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About Feast On®

Feast On® is a certification program for restaurants and purveyors in Ontario.

It recognizes businesses committed to sourcing and celebrating Ontario grown food and drink - which makes it easier for food lovers like you to find local food.

Feast On® is managed by the Culinary Tourism Alliance. Our goal is simple: We want more people to be sourcing, serving and celebrating Ontario grown food (and drink!).

Supporting our local economy is important; especially for restaurants. That's why we're working to make it easy for travelers and locals alike to identify restaurants and experiences that showcase Ontario grown and made ingredients. Through our programming, we connect chefs directly to farmers to support the development of sustainable local sourcing systems. As a result, the program acts as a pan-provincial platform from which chefs, farmers and diners can share Ontario's local food identity.



  • The average menu at a Feast On Certified restaurant consists of 54% Ontario grown food.
  • In 2019, the average spend on Ontario food by a Certified restaurant was over $193,000.
  • There are currently over 150 actively Certified restaurants in Ontario!

Certified restaurants reported over


in Ontario food purchases last year

That's an increased spend of over


in Ontario food purchases over last year

It's thanks to our team making


direct introductions between partners

The manifesto

As a Feast On® Certified business, I commit to:

  • Procure Ontario food and drink whenever possible
  • Identify the provenance of Ontario food and drink on the menu
  • Track and trace Ontario food and drink purchases
  • Develop Ontario’s culinary identity by championing local, seasonal products
  • Educate the public about Ontario food and drink


Interested restaurants must first agree to the manifesto. Applicants will then be asked to provide proof that their procurement practices match the following standards:

  • 25% of total annual food receipts reflect Ontario food purchases.
  • 25% of total annual beverage receipts reflect Ontario beverage purchases.



That's why we have Feast On ® program Purveyors and Partners. 

Feast On® Purveyors are the growers, producers, suppliers and distributors working towards putting more local food on local plates. From inland shrimp farming to fermented honey products, they’re the backbone of Ontario’s regional food communities. They’re building our food culture and creating new opportunities for the agriculture and hospitality industries to work together, everyday. 

Feast On ® Partners are organizations who support Ontario farmers and producers by providing a conduit to Ontario products, and education to increase consumer appetite for local products in the foodservice, hospitality and tourism industries.