What does OMR Jobs & HR do?
OMR Jobs & HR connects people from across the digital space with hiring companies. The OMR Jobs board spotlights relevant job ads in the industry, while our wide array of event and content formats give companies a platform to stand out as attractive employers to their target group. Furthermore, OMR Jobs provides special training formats for HR professionals.

Job platform

The job platform for the best jobs in the digital business.

OMR Match

The perfect match for applicants and companies.

Digital HR Summit

Exciting and inspiring talks from the HR cosmos.

HR on demand

The "on-demand" training platform for the HR sector.

HR Blog

Updates, interesting facts & real stories from the HR sector.

OMR Jobs & HR

OMR Education

Free Online Seminars

17.07.2024 | 09:30 - 10:30

5 Skills, die du als Creative Strategist entwickeln musst

Michael Reinicke

18.07.2024 | 10:00 - 11:00

Active Sourcing: 5 Tipps zum Gewinnen, Begeistern & Netzwerken

Jan Hawliczek

30.07.2024 | 11:00 - 12:00

Google Ads Basics: Alles, was du für den Start wissen musst

Emily Reich

HR on demand

HR on demand

The "on-demand" training platform for the HR sector.

The year-round learning platform for consuming HR content in a practical video format. From in-depth learning sessions to practical, inspiring talks - our HR target group can easily find "on demand" learning opportunities on topics relating to employer branding, recruiting, retention and HR tech.

Directly to HR on demand


Finding the perfect match for applicants and companies—without a long search

OMR Match brings together promising candidates and companies from the digital sector. To locate the perfect match, we scour through our extensive database for every position. Consisting of professionals from nearly every digital and marketing sector, the candidate database also features positions for account management, sales and business development, from young professionals to senior-level positions.

More info about Match
Digital HR Summit

Digital HR Summit

Exciting and inspiring presentations from the HR cosmos

The digital HR Summit - here our HR target group will find exciting and inspiring presentations on all topics related to employer branding, recruiting, retention and HR analytics. At the digital event, HR experts talk about the latest trends, strategies and innovations from the field.

More Infos about Digital HR Summit

Questions? Please reach out to us directly.

Dul Seo

Head of OMR Jobs & HR


Janina Hörnschemeyer

Project Lead Content & Marketing OMR Jobs & HR
