Over 125 years of Olympic venues:
post-Games use


Olympic venues are a powerful way to improve the lives of residents of host cities and regions.

They can increase the opportunities for people to enjoy sport and physical activity, create jobs and contribute to the regeneration of cities and regions.

The Over 125 years of Olympic venues: post-Games use report is the first-ever official inventory of the post-Games use of Olympic venues. We looked at 817 permanent Olympic venues used at 51 Games editions in the modern era, from Athens 1896 to PyeongChang 2018. We found that 92 percent of the permanent Olympic venues from the 21st century, and 85 percent of all permanent venues are still in use today. Only 35 venues – or 4 percent of all 817 permanent venues – are closed, inactive or abandoned.

Looking ahead, we are adapting to today’s times and global challenges. Olympic Agenda 2020 provides both extra flexibility and emphasis on sustainability. Host cities are expected to adapt the Games to meet their long-term development plans, maximising the use of existing venues, and building new venues only when there is a proven long-term need.

Read more in our press release
