Frequently Asked Questions

Youth Olympic Games

How are the Youth Olympic Games (YOG) financed?

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) contributes to the financing of the YOG. It covers the costs of transport and accommodation for the athletes and team officials in the Olympic Village as well as for representatives from the International Sports Federations (IFs) and IOC representatives in hotels. It also finances the TV production.

The Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee (YOCOG) shall be responsible for the planning, organising and staging of the YOG.

On the other hand, the host city is responsible for the improvements to be made to sports and non-sports facilities and venues, where applicable.

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YOG section

Youth Olympic Games

How are the Youth Olympic Games (YOG) financed?

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) contributes to the financing of the YOG. It covers the costs of transport and accommodation for the athletes and team officials in the Olympic Village as well as for representatives from the International Sports Federations (IFs) and IOC representatives in hotels. It also finances the TV production.

The Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee (YOCOG) shall be responsible for the planning, organising and staging of the YOG.

On the other hand, the host city is responsible for the improvements to be made to sports and non-sports facilities and venues, where applicable.

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YOG section