Frequently Asked Questions

Corporate citizenship and good governance

What measures are taken to fight doping at the Olympic Games?

The fight against doping is a priority for the IOC. It works in close collaboration with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), with an aim to applying a “zero tolerance” policy.

The IOC’s Medical Commission has been fighting doping since 1967. Its field of action expanded after the creation of WADA in 1999. The role of this independent Agency is to promote and coordinate, on an international level, the fight against all forms of doping.

At the Games, the IOC requires the Organising Committee to apply all practical methods of collecting urine and blood samples. It sets the number of tests to be performed in collaboration with the IFs concerned, the Games Organising Committee and the laboratory accredited for the Games, which works solely under the authority of the IOC.

Learn more:

Factsheet: Fight against doping and promotion of athlete’s health

The IOC Medical Commission

Olympic Charter: Chapter 5, Rules 43, 46.5, 59.2

The World Anti-Doping Agency

Corporate citizenship and good governance

What measures are taken to fight doping at the Olympic Games?

The fight against doping is a priority for the IOC. It works in close collaboration with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), with an aim to applying a “zero tolerance” policy.

The IOC’s Medical Commission has been fighting doping since 1967. Its field of action expanded after the creation of WADA in 1999. The role of this independent Agency is to promote and coordinate, on an international level, the fight against all forms of doping.

At the Games, the IOC requires the Organising Committee to apply all practical methods of collecting urine and blood samples. It sets the number of tests to be performed in collaboration with the IFs concerned, the Games Organising Committee and the laboratory accredited for the Games, which works solely under the authority of the IOC.

Learn more:

Factsheet: Fight against doping and promotion of athlete’s health

The IOC Medical Commission

Olympic Charter: Chapter 5, Rules 43, 46.5, 59.2

The World Anti-Doping Agency