Oklahoma Rep.: The struggle for freedom is constant. To preserve it, we must be united

The Founding Fathers fought for and won our freedom, the heroes of past wars defended it at home and abroad, and now we, too, must continue to carry their ideals if we want to preserve our republic.

Rep. Frank Lucas
Guest columnist

It was 248 years ago that our Founding Fathers put pen to paper and forever changed the world. The ideals they put forward led to a War for Independence and the proliferation of democracy across the world. As we look back on that day, let us reflect on the immense price paid to secure our liberty, and more importantly, the constant struggle to preserve it.

America’s first test was its battle for independence, and victory was far from inevitable. The signers of the Declaration of Independence were well aware of this, and it has to be noted that at the time, they were essentially signing a death warrant for themselves and their families. Some were captured by the British, some were tortured and killed, and some had their properties ransacked. The price for freedom was not free, and although it was eventually won, it came at a great cost. Our ancestors who fought and died for our initial freedom paid for it in full.

Just 78 years later, America would face an even greater test. Brave men fought for the preservation of our great Union and ensured it was not erased from history so quickly after its creation. Just as importantly, it also paved the way for the ultimate freedom of all Americans. The Civil War cashed in the promissory note that was the Declaration of Independence and guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to all. In short, the Civil War both saved our state and fulfilled its founding promises.

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America’s subsequent generations followed their ancestors’ course and fought to defend their freedom. The heroes from both World Wars proved that liberty would be protected both at home and abroad. Young men and women dedicated their lives to protect the world from the tyranny and genocide plaguing Europe. How different would our lives be if America did not step up to the plate when the world needed us most? Now, more than ever, Americans must remember and embrace these same ideals.

As enemies close in around us, we must remember the bravery of our ancestors who fought to preserve freedom. I am reminded of what Ronald Reagan had to say about the fragility of our freedom, which “is never more than one generation away from extinction.” Just like our ancestors proved to us, “it must be fought for, protected, and handed on.” If we fail to take heed of President Reagan’s words and do not embrace our forefathers’ tenacity in defending freedom, it will undoubtedly be lost.

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The success of our nation and democracy was never a given, but rather was constantly upheld by subsequent generations. The Founding Fathers fought for and won our freedom, the heroes of past wars defended it at home and abroad, and now we, too, must continue to carry their ideals if we want to preserve our republic. We can only do so if we are united. As Lincoln once said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” Keep this in mind as you celebrate another Independence Day, and we will surely have many more to come.

U.S. Rep. Frank Lucas

U.S. Rep. Frank Lucas, R-Cheyenne, represents Oklahoma's 3rd Congressional District.