Inflation is a concern worldwide. Oklahoma's Tom Cole shouldn't just blame Biden's admin.

Initiatives such as the American Rescue Plan have provided much-needed relief to millions of Americans, helping to stabilize the economy during unprecedented times.

Kody Macaulay
Guest columnist
U.S. Rep. Tom Cole has been disingenuous in his remarks about the Biden administration, a guest columnist writes.

As we gear up to celebrate the Fourth of July, it’s essential to address some misleading statements from Tom Cole.

First, while inflation has been a concern WORLDWIDE, it’s disingenuous to place the blame solely on the Biden administration. The factors contributing to rising prices are complex and multifaceted, including global supply chain disruptions and the aftermath of a global pandemic. To suggest that the current administration has not prioritized lowering inflation ignores the efforts and policies implemented to address these economic challenges.

It’s important to note that the Biden administration has introduced significant measures to tackle inflation and support American families. Initiatives such as the American Rescue Plan have provided much-needed relief to millions of Americans, helping to stabilize the economy during unprecedented times. In fact, our economy is doing far better than any of the other G7 nations.

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Contrary to Tom’s claims, real wages have seen growth under the Biden administration, particularly for low- and middle-income workers. The focus on raising the minimum wage and supporting workers' rights has led to improved living standards for many Americans who were previously struggling. In fact, real wages have increased by 1.2% over the past year, suggesting that wage growth is outpacing inflation for many workers. Let’s not forget the work being done to try and block raising the minimum wage, too, especially here in Oklahoma. You can’t complain about wages not going up while simultaneously fighting to keep them down.

Additionally, the assertion that prices have skyrocketed by 20.1 percent since President Biden took office is misleading. While certain items have experienced price increases, the overall inflation rate is around 4%, much lower than the figures Tom suggests. The cited statistics on gas, eggs, flour and other items fail to account for the broader economic context and the efforts to mitigate these increases. Let's also not forget that many companies are seeing record profits during this time — a phenomenon known as "greedflation."

Regarding housing affordability, it’s crucial to acknowledge that this issue has been a long-standing challenge, exacerbated by decades of underinvestment in affordable housing and urban development. The Biden administration has proposed significant investments in housing to address this crisis and improve affordability for all Americans. Despite these challenges, new housing starts have increased by 10% compared to the previous year, signaling a positive trend in housing supply.

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On the employment front, the unemployment rate stands at 3.6%, indicating a strong labor market with low levels of unemployment. The economy has been adding an average of 200,000 jobs per month over the past six months, showing robust job growth.

As chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, Tom claims to be working to reverse inflationary policies. However, his track record and support for tax cuts that disproportionately benefit the wealthy raise questions about his commitment to fiscal responsibility and equitable economic growth.

This Fourth of July, let’s focus on telling the truth, instead of spreading propaganda. By promoting factual information and constructive dialogue, we can ensure that our nation's principles of freedom and justice for all remain strong.

Kody Macaulay is an Air Force veteran and former congressional candidate for Oklahoma's 4th District.

Kody Macaulay is an Air Force veteran and former congressional candidate for Oklahoma's 4th District.