American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds (ARP ESSER): State and Local Educational Agency (LEA)/School District Plans

State and school district/Local Educational Agency (LEAs) plans for using ARP ESSER funds are an important resource for public transparency into the use of ARP ESSER funds. The Department encourages all stakeholders, including parents, families, and educators, to review their State and LEA/school district plans, and to contact State and local education officials to learn more. Links to all ARP ESSER State and LEA/school district plans and approved materials are posted below.

What Families and Communities Need to Know: Within two weeks of signing the American Rescue Plan, the Department of Education distributed $81,316,533,333.00 of ARP ESSER funds to States, two-thirds of each State’s total funding. In order to receive their remaining funding, the American Rescue Plan required States to submit and the Department to approve a plan for how the State would use ARP ESSER funds to safely re-open and provide academic and mental health supports for school communities to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. As of the end of 2021, all State Plans were approved, and all ARP ESSER funds were distributed to the States. Using the table below, you can find the plan your State submitted, the plan the Department approved, and highlights of the approved Plan.  

The Department also required States to make sure that school districts/LEAs provided plans for how they were spending their American Rescue Plan funds for the safe return to in-person instruction and a safe academic recovery. At the Department’s direction, each State was required to provide a way for families and communities to view their individual district’s plan. In the table below, you can find the link to where each State’s district/LEA plans can be found. 

Engaging with State and Local Leaders

Both States and school districts/LEAs were required to engage families, educators, representatives of students with disabilities, and a broad range of other stakeholders as they created these plans. The publication of a plan, however, should not be the end of this engagement, as school districts/LEAs are expected to adjust their plans based on the needs of students. If your State does not have your school district/LEA’s plan listed, please directly contact your school district/LEA or use the school district’s website to locate the plan. All school districts/LEAs are required to post their plans, and all States are responsible for ensuring all school district/LEA plans are posted on the State Educational Agency website.

A list of State Educational Agencies and their contact information can be found here:

Parents, families, educators, and communities have a deep understanding of the needs of their students. If you have questions or concerns about how your State or school district/LEA plans to use its ARP ESSER funds, the Department encourages you to engage with your local school district/LEA. While the Department of Education is using its full authority to oversee and monitor the effective use of these funds, the voices of local communities are critical to ensuring that funds are used to address the specific needs of students in your community.


State  Total American Rescue Plan ESSER Funds Awarded 

Approved State
Materials (Final ARP ESSER State Plan,
Approval Letter)

Communication Materials
(State Plan Highlights)

School District/LEA Use of Funds Plans on State Websites

ALABAMA $2,021,518,529
  • Approved ARP ESSER State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (PDF)
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)
Alabama State Link to Local Plans 
ALASKA $358,770,937
  • Approved ARP ESSER State Plan
  • Approval Letter (PDF)
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)

Alaska State Link to Local Plans

Alaska State Link to Local Plans (PDF)

ARIZONA $2,583,943,517
  • Approved ARP ESSER State Plan
  • Approval Letter
  • Approval Letter
  • Approval Letter (5/30/2024) (PDF)
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)
Arizona State Link to Local Plans
ARKANSAS   $1,254,119,960   
  • Approved ARP ESSER
    State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (10/16/2023) (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (7/7/2021) 
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)
Arkansas State Link to Local Plans
CALIFORNIA $15,079,696,097
  • Approved ARP ESSER State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (PDF)
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)
California State Link to Local Plans
COLORADO $1,167,153,961
  • Approved ARP ESSER
    State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (12/19/23) (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (11/4/2021)
  • Approval Letter (6/9/2021) (PDF)
  • Attachments (PDF)
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)
Colorado State Link to Local Plans
CONNECTICUT   $1,106,696,657  
  • Approved ARP ESSER
    State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (6/23/2023) (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (8/27/2021)
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)

Connecticut State Link to Local Plans

Connecticut State Link to Local Plans (Word)

DELAWARE $410,733,965   
  • Approved ARP ESSER State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter  (7/22/2021) (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (1/31/2022) (PDF)
  • Approved Letter (10/26/2023) (PDF)
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)
Delaware State Link to Local Plans
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA   $386,476,999   
  • Approved ARP ESSER
    State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (7/7/2021) (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (1/18/2022) (PDF)
  • Attachments
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)
District of Columbia State Link to Local Plans
FLORIDA $7,043,370,152
  • Approved ARP ESSER State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (PDF)
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights
Florida State Link to Local Plans
GEORGIA   $4,249,371,244  
  • Approved ARP ESSER State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (PDF)
  • Attachments (PDF)
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)
Georgia State Link to Local Plans
HAWAII $412,530,212
  • Approved ARP ESSER
    State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)
Hawaii State Link to Local Plans


IDAHO $440,131,922
  • Approved ARP ESSER State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (9/13/2021)(PDF)
  • Approval Letter (3/18/2022) (PDF)
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)
Idaho State Link to Local Plans
ILLINOIS $5,058,601,934   
  • Approved ARP ESSER
    State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)
Illinois State Link to Local Plans
INDIANA $1,996,145,076
  • Approved ARP ESSER State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (8/12/2021) (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (6/2/2022) (PDF)
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)
Indiana State Link to Local Plans (Excel)
  • Approved ARP ESSER State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (PDF)
  • Attachments (PDF)
  •  PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)

Iowa State Link to Local Plans

Iowa State Link to Local Plans (Excel)


KANSAS   $830,585,182  
  • Approved ARP ESSER State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (PDF)
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)
Kansas State Link to Local Plans
KENTUCKY   $2,001,216,921 
  • Approved ARP ESSER State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (PDF)
  • Attachments (PDF)
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)
Kentucky State Link to Local Plans
LOUISIANA   $2,607,334,054  
  • Approved ARP ESSER State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)

Louisiana State Link to Local Plans

Louisiana State Link to Local Plans

  • Approved ARP ESSER State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (PDF) (9/13/2021)
  • Approval Letter (PDF)(3/17/2023)
  • Attachments (PDF)
  •  PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)
Maine State Link to Local Plans
MARYLAND $1,952,539,087
  • Approved ARP ESSER State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (PDF)
  • Attachments (PDF)
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)
Maryland State Link to Local Plans (Excel)
MASSACHUSETTS   $1,831,416,990    
  • Approved ARP ESSER
    State Plan
  • Approval Letter
    (PDF) (7/7/2021)
  • Approval Letter (PDF) (9/2/2022)
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)
Massachusetts State Link to Local Plans (Excel)
MICHIGAN   $3,722,478,258  
  • Approved ARP ESSER
    State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter
  • Attachments (PDF)
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)

Michigan State Link to Local Plans

Michigan State Link to Local Plans (Excel)

MINNESOTA $1,321,564,450
  • Approved ARP ESSER
    State Plan
  • Approval Letter
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)
Minnesota State Link to Local Plans
MISSISSIPPI $1,628,366,137
  • Approved ARP ESSER State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter
  • Approval Letter
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)
Mississippi State Link to Local Plans
MISSOURI $1,957,916,288
  • Approved ARP ESSER State Plan
  • Approval Letter (10/5/2021) (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (3/25/2022) (PDF)**
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)
Missouri State Link to Local Plans
MONTANA $382,019,236   
  • Approved ARP ESSER State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (8/5/2021) (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (5/11/2022) (PDF)
  • Attachments (PDF)
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)
Montana State Link to Local Plans
NEBRASKA $546,290,147 
  • Approved ARP ESSER State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (PDF) (4/11/2023)
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)

Nebraska State Link to Local Plans

NEVADA $ 1,072,783,189
  • Approved ARP ESSER State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (9/13/2021) (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (5/23/2022) (PDF)
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlight (PDF)
Nevada State Link to Local Plans 
NEW HAMPSHIRE   $350,561,159    
  • Approved ARP ESSER
    State Plan
  • Approval Letter
  • Approval Letter
  • Approval Letter
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)
New Hampshire State Link to Local Plans
NEW JERSEY   $2,766,529,533  
  • Approved ARP ESSER State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (10/16/2023) (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (8/12/2021)  (PDF)
  • Attachments (PDF)
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)
New Jersey State Link to Local Plans (Excel)
NEW MEXICO   $979,056,256  
  • Approved ARP ESSER State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (7/22/2021) (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (1/7/2022) (PDF)
  • Attachments (PDF)
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)
New Mexico State Link to Local Plans
NEW YORK   $8,995,282,324  
  • Approved ARP ESSER
    State Plan
  • Approval Letter
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)
New York State Link to Local Plans
NORTH CAROLINA $3,601,780,364   
  • Approved ARP ESSER State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (6/23/2023) (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (9/13/2021) (PDF)
  • Attachments (PDF)
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)
North Carolina State Link to Local Plans
NORTH DAKOTA   $305,338,029  
  • Approved ARP ESSER State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (PDF)
  • Attachments (PDF)
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)

North Dakota State Link to Local Plans

North Dakota State Link to Local Plans (Excel)

OHIO   $4,475,243,513  
  • Approved ARP ESSER State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter
  • Approval Letter
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)
Ohio State Link to Local Plans
OKLAHOMA   $1,494,647,051  
  • Approved ARP ESSER State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (PDF)
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)
Oklahoma State Link to Local Plans (PDF)
OREGON   $1,121,814,984   
  • Approved ARP ESSER State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (7/15/2021) (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (5/27/2022) (PDF)
  • Attachments (PDF)
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)
Oregon State Link to Local Plans 
PENNSYLVANIA $5,000,509,095  
  • Approved ARP ESSER
    State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)
Pennsylvania State Link to Local Plans
PUERTO RICO $2,968,079,229
  • Approved ARP ESSER State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (PDF)
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF) – English, (PDF) – Spanish
RHODE ISLAND   $415,145,839  
  • Approved ARP ESSER
    State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)

Rhode Island State Link to Local Plans

Rhode Island State Link to Local Plans (PDF)

SOUTH CAROLINA $2,113,567,527
  • Approved ARP ESSER State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (PDF)
  • Attachments (PDF)
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)
South Carolina State Link to Local Plans
SOUTH DAKOTA   $382,019,236  
  • Approved ARP ESSER
    State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter
  • Approval Letter
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)

South Dakota State Link to Local Plans (Excel)

South Dakota State Link to Local Plans

TENNESSEE   $2,489,423,407  
  • Approved ARP ESSER State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (PDF)
  • Attachment (PDF)
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)

Tennessee State Link to Local Plans

Tennessee State Link to Local Plans (PDF)

TEXAS   $12,427,523,267    
  • Approved ARP ESSER
    State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)

Texas State Link to Local Plans

Texas State Link to Local Plans (Excel)

UTAH   $615,292,016    
  • Approved ARP ESSER
    State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (7/7/2021)
  • Approval Letter (5/11/2022) (PDF)
  • Attachments (PDF)
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)
Utah State Link to Local Plans 
VERMONT $285,223,414
  • Approved ARP ESSER State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (9/14/2023) (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (12/30/2021) (PDF)
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)
Vermont State Link to Local Plans
VIRGINIA $2,110,988,891
  • Approved ARP ESSER State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (PDF)
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)
Virginia State Link to Local Plans (Excel)
WASHINGTON  $1,852,501,071  
  • Approved ARP ESSER State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (PDF)
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)

Washington State Link to Local Plans

Washington State Link to Local Plans

WEST VIRGINIA   $761,960,095  
  • Approved ARP ESSER State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (PDF)
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)
West Virginia State Link to Local Plans
WISCONSIN $1,541,867,439
  • Approved ARP ESSER State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (12/6/21) (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (5/2/22) (PDF)
  • PDF (Submitted)
Wisconsin State Link to Local Plans


WYOMING   $303,779,377  
  • Approved ARP ESSER State Plan (PDF)
  • Approval Letter (PDF)
  • PDF (Submitted)
  • Highlights (PDF)
Wyoming Sate Link to Local Plans


* Award Amount: Two-thirds of the ARP ESSER awards were allocated to states on March 24, 2021. States were subsequently required to complete and submit an ARP ESSER State plan to receive the additional one-third of ARP ESSER funds upon Department approval.   

** Accessibility: The Department places a high priority on posting documents on its website that meet the accessibility standards established by Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act and is working diligently to ensure that those standards are met by all documents posted on this page. If you experience problems with the accessibility of any of these materials, and need them in an alternative format, please contact OESE’s Office of State and Grantee Relations at or (202) 453-5563. Please be specific in your request about the information you need, which may include identifying a specific ARP ESSER State plan or portion of an ARP ESSER State plan. 

*** Disclaimer: The links/files posted above have been submitted to the Department by SEAs. SEAs are responsible for reviewing the posted links/files and all contents to ensure the accuracy of what is publicly available. Should an SEA wish to update any of the links/files posted above, it should contact its State mailbox at (e.g. The Department will update the links when it receives new or revised information from States. The Department does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of any of the information available at the State-provided links. Please note: Some state-provided links take the reader to a landing page where additional steps are needed to access the data. In some cases, the reader may need to enter the name of the LEA to search.