Sexual Misconduct Resource Guides

The following one-page guides contain both on and off campus resources for students.  Information is included for both complainants and respondents. Each guide contains descriptions of resources and contact information for:

  • Emergency Resources (including Confidential Support)
  • Reporting Options (including OEO Liaisons)
  • Academic Support
  • Housing Changes
  • No Contact Orders (NCOs)
  • Local and National Resource & Support Organizations

Non-Discrimination Resource Guides

The following one-page guides contain both on and off campus resources for students who have experienced discrimination and/or harassment.  Information is included for both complainants and respondents. Each guide contains descriptions of resources and contact information such as:

  • Emergency Resources (including Confidential Support)
  • Reporting Options (including OEO Liaisons)
  • Academic Support
  • Housing Changes
  • No Contact Orders (NCOs)
  • Local and National Resource & Support Organizations

Bystander Intervention Training

The following bystander intervention training resources are for Tufts community members who want to step up as "active bystanders" and help to create a safe, inclusive campus FREE from sexual misconduct, discrimination & harassment.

Sexual Misconduct Resource Guide for Employees - COMING SOON

Stay tuned for an updated version of this one-page guide!

OEO Resource Sticker

The OEO resource sticker has QR codes for both resources and reporting. Scan the codes to quickly access information and support.