• 2021

Observer Entertainment: The ’21 Executives

By , and June 24, 2021 11:00 AM

The odd truth of America’s entertainment industry is that it’s a global business largely conducted locally. A few select regional pockets of production space support the majority of the industry’s worldwide reach. When those hubs were forced to shut down at the height of the pandemic, so did Hollywood’s faucet of content. That’s when every major executive was forced to conjure creative solutions to unprecedented problems—or be shown the door before the next quarterly earnings report.

With normalcy now somewhat within our grasp, the executives that managed to steer their media entertainment monoliths through the storm and avoid capsizing are now faced with an entirely new set of complications to sort out. Audiences are still hungry, but far savvier and more satiated than ever before.

Have viewing habits been irrevocably tilted toward home entertainment? How can major players preserve theatrical moviegoing while still prioritizing direct-to-consumer business? Will the continued consolidation of the industry chew up every major player whose market capitalization doesn’t begin with a “T”?

With an endless cascade of questions bombarding the entertainment industry, we felt it important to showcase the 21 executives who have best navigated the rampant upheaval and positioned their companies for future success.

Observer Entertainment’s ‘21 Executives showcases the leaders spearheading the film, television and other sectors that will continue to innovate and captures audiences’ attention in 2021. More than just the moneymakers, we highlight the changemakers: the power players setting a new course for an evolving industry by trailblazing new strategies and facilitating bold creative visions that audiences love.

Writing: Brandon Katz, Sammy Nickalls
Editing + Production: Eric Vilas-Boas
Photo Editing: Julia Cherrualt
Logo Design: Steph Novak
Editorial Direction: Mary von Aue

Adam Aron

AMC Entertainment

Bob Bakish


Alan Bergman

Walt Disney Studios

Casey Bloys

HBO and HBO Max

Aryeh Bourkoff

LionTree LLC

Bob Chapek

The Walt Disney Company

Kevin Feige


Jim Gianopulos

Paramount Pictures

Donna Langley

Universal Filmed Entertainment Group

Tyler Perry

Tyler Perry Studios

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