Marc Payot

Marc Payot, Co - President of Hauser & Wirth

Marc Payot

President at Hauser & Wirth

Marc Payot
By June 30, 2021 8:00 AM

Since his promotion to President of Hauser & Wirth in 2020, along with Co-Presidents Iwan Wirth and Manuela Wirth, Marc Payot has overseen gallery expansion (new locations in Los Angeles and even Monaco), snapped up artist darlings such as Christina Quarles, and has led the gallery through more delicate yet exciting decisions such as exhibiting late-career Philip Guston Klan paintings. The roster of artists that find a home gallery in Hauser & Wirth is impressive, from Louise Bourgeois and Lorna Simpson to Rashid Johnson and Roni Horn, and Payot views them as fundamental to the success of the gallery. “These artists, who have mentored one another and created a powerful network over the years, have not only shaped the direction of art history but have built the real story of American art through their breakthroughs,” he told Observer.

It is clear that Hauser & Wirth is his passion, when Payot said to us “For me, life and work are one, they’re indivisible. It’s such an enormous privilege to work with the most significant artists of our time – so I never feel that I am ‘working’, but instead learning from them every single day and over the course of years. This and my family are everything. Cannot imagine it being any other way.” 

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