Whither Vice, Without American Apparel?

American Apparel’s financial future continues to look bleak, and the retailer may be forced to cut back on its signature

American Apparel’s financial future continues to look bleak, and the retailer may be forced to cut back on its signature ads. WWD reports that in the last year already, AA’s advertising, trade show and catalogue spending fell by $9.6 million, mostly in advertising. So what does this mean for the “blogs, specialty titles and alternative weeklies” where the company has typically bought space? For example:

The back cover of Vice magazine, a signature spot for the retailer and one it’s held since June 2003, goes for a little more than $24,000 an issue, according to the publication’s 2010 media kit.

This could be the end of a beautiful relationship of symbiotic skeeze. How will we know that Vice is transgressive if there isn’t a crotch on the back?

Whither Vice, Without American Apparel?