The New York World: Two Days in the Life of AuthorChick’s Twitter

Can’t believe author photo for new book taken before new haircut. Pub company never gonna spring for new one …

Can’t believe author photo for new book taken before new haircut. Pub company never gonna spring for new one … : (
2:45 PM March 12 from TwitterFon

Wonder if I’ll even be recognized on The Today Show tomorrow morning. Eek!
3:15 PM March 12th from TwitterFon

@[redacted] Aw you’re so sweet!!
3:17 PM March 12th from TwitterFon

@[redacted] OMG last time Meredith and I were wearing the same shirt in two different colors!
3:24 PM March 12th from TwitterFon

Almost wanna call publicist and ask what she’s gonna be wearing tmrw …
3:25 PM March 12th from TwitterFon

@[redacted] No, Vieira.
3:36 PM March 12th from TwitterFon

@[redacted] A Chloe shirt that I got at a huge discount at one of their secret sample sales. Could never have afforded otherwise, obvi!!
3:45 PM March 12th from TwitterFon

@[redacted] unfortch I can’t—my friend works there and she’d kill me bc it’s supposed to be friends/family only.
3:58 PM March 12th from TwitterFon

Ugh, car service called 15 minutes early. Cannot BELIEVE what time it is. Didn’t fall asleep til 2!
5:15 AM March 13th from TwitterFon

@[redacted] No, FINALLY broke through the writers block last night so just powered thru!
5:20 AM March 13th from TwitterFon

@[redacted] The manuscript that was due, um, a week ago? Yeah, that one. (shhh, don’t tell my editor … : )
5:21 AM March 13 from TwitterFon

Didn’t even have time to put on makeup!! Hope their makeup gal is on top of her game today bc am looking pretty busted.
5:23 AM March 13th from TwitterFon

Though, weirdly, driver keeps flirting with me. Just asked me if I “like to do the dancing.”
5:27 AM March 13th from TwitterFon

Cannot believe how frizzy my hair gets in the green room.
5:47 AM March 13th from TwitterFon

THANK GOD, wasn’t wearing same shirt as MV. SO GLAD this is over!!
7:35 AM March 13th from TwitterFon

@[redacted] Aw you’re so sweet! Thx 4 watching!
7:45 AM March 13th from TwitterFon

Didn’t realize how nervous I was til I got back to my apt and realized I was still shaking.
8:15 AM March 13th from TwitterFon

@[redacted] I KNOW!! It’s like, no matter how many times I go in front of the camera I STILL get nervous. Dunno what that’s about!!
8:48 AM March 13th from TwitterFon

@[redacted] That’s so nice of you to say. I FEEL like I looked nervous up there!!
8:50 AM March 13th from TwitterFon

Crap! Almost forgot about lunch with NYT gal. Should probs try to get some sleep b4 so I’m not a total zombie …
9:01 AM March 13th from TwitterFon

The New York World: Two Days in the Life of AuthorChick’s Twitter