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We the Geeks Takes a Look at the Future of Computing

In concert with CES, and building on the moment from December’s Computer Science Education Week, We the Geeks: Future of Computing, will explore what possibilities the future of computing may bring – from wearables to Holodecks – and what’s needed to get there.

Note: This live event has concluded. Watch the full video below, or on YouTube.

From early personal computers to the World Wide Web to the tablets and smartphones many Americans hold so closely today, we’ve come a long way in the development of technology for computing devices and it’s safe to say it won’t stop here. This week, all eyes in the tech industry will focus on Las Vegas for the Consumer Electronics Show 2014, or CES, where we can peek into the future as new computing breakthroughs will be unveiled and showcased.

In concert with CES, and building on the moment from December’s Computer Science Education Week, join us on January 8th at 2pm ET for We the Geeks: Future of Computing, as we explore what possibilities the future of computing may bring – from wearables to Holodecks – and what’s needed to get there! 

Tom Kalil and Cristin Dorgelo from the White House Office of Science and Technology will join Mark Papermaster, Chief Technology Officer at Advanced Micro Devices, Alex Kipman of Microsoft Kinect, Alicia Gibb of the Open Source Hardware Association, and Palmer Luckey, founder of Oculus Rift to discuss:

  • What new computing advancements might we see in the next few years? What about 10-15 years from now?
  • What are the technological breakthroughs that need to happen to get there?
  • And finally, what might be the impact of the ever growing intelligent connection of people, processes, data and things?

As our computing devices become more completely ingrained in our everyday lives and as we continue to reap new benefits from breakthrough developments such as cloud computing, we must continue to explore the sky-high potential of computing to solve tough problems and revolutionize the way we live, learn, work, and play.

Got comments or questions? Ask them using the hashtag #WeTheGeeks on Twitter and on Google+ and we'll answer some of them during the live Hangout.

We the Geeks" is a series of Google+ Hangouts to discuss science, technology, and innovation here in the United States. Join the conversation on Twitter and be sure to sign up for email updates about future "We the Geeks" hangouts.

Mark DeLoura is Senior Advisor for Digital Media at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy

Note: Unfortunately Wil Wheaton and Alex Hawkinson are no longer able to participate in this event. Stay tuned for future "We the Geeks" with Wil and Alex.