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parents. students. families. communities. leaders.

There’s a literacy and math crisis

We build bold and innovative direct-service solutions, like The Hub and Liberator Model, so our families can lift literacy and math outcomes for their children and those in their community.

Our solutions build agency. We’re on a mission to liberate our communities so families can create a life of their own vs. having one chosen for them.


According to the National Assessment of Adult Literacy, “2/3 of students who cannot read proficiently by the end of the fourth grade will end up in jail or on welfare.”

We put families in the driver's seat

That’s our formula. And it works.

A Big, Bold and Innovative National Model

Our Liberator Model is a multi-generational approach to improving literacy outcomes

Lakisha Young

Co-Founder & CEO, The Oakland REACH

Refusing to accept the status quo

“When families are winning in life, winning in education becomes par for the course. That’s why we’re building solutions that disrupt poverty with privilege and ensure families have the agency to build a life of their own design.”