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For Parishes

En Espanol

En Espanol

“¡Despertar al mundo! Sean testimonio de un modo distinto de hacer, de actuar, de vivir! Es posible vivir de un modo distinto en este mundo.”~Papa Francisco¿Que es la vocación? Los Padres Conciliares no escatiman esfuerzos para enfatizar que la santidad es la vocación...

Practical Ideas for Parishes

Practical Ideas for Parishes

PRAYER Holy Hours for Vocations. Have a special Holy Hour to pray for priestly and religious vocations. More information is available here. Rosary for Vocations. During the rosary mention candidates by name. Vocations Rosary – Luminous Mysteries Vocation Prayer...

Holy Hour For Vocations

Holy Hour For Vocations

PLANNING THE HOLY HOUR To hold a Holy Hour for Vocations in your parish, it is best to have the participation of your parish priest. Work with him to choose an appropriate date. There’s no bad time to hold a Holy Hour, but some dates may work better than others, such...