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For Parents

Mitos sobre las vocaciones

Mitos sobre las vocaciones

Seis Temores Comunes cuando Su Hijo Está Considerando el Sacerdocio Año tras año, en encuestas a sacerdotes recién ordenados, más de la mitad de ellos informa que sus familias inicialmente se opusieron a la idea del sacerdocio. Sin duda, los padres desean lo mejor...

Siete maneras que las familias pueden fomentar vocaciones

Siete maneras que las familias pueden fomentar vocaciones

“La familia cristiana, que es verdaderamente “como una iglesia doméstica”, ha ofrecido siempre y continúa ofreciendo las condiciones favorables para el nacimiento de las vocaciones” ~ San Juan Pablo II Imagínese que le pregunta a su hijo lo que quiere ser cuando...

Practical Ideas for Parents

Practical Ideas for Parents

Everyone’s first vocation is to holiness, so parents should strive to create a home environment where Christian virtue can flourish. Here are a few other ideas: Invite a priest, sister, or brother to dinner at your home. Show your children a good example of holy...

7 Ways Families Can Promote Vocations

7 Ways Families Can Promote Vocations

How can I promote vocations at home? Snuggle up and read a story. Sometimes the simplest ideas are best! Add some books about famous saints to your bedtime reading. There are dozens of fascinating, age-appropriate stories of saints who were priests and religious....

Vocation Mythbusters For Parents

Vocation Mythbusters For Parents

Most parents think and pray about at least a couple of these: MYTH #1 “He’s too young.” Many parents, when their young son expresses an interest in seminary, will dispense well-meaning advice: “Get some life experience first—and at least a college degree—then think...