Would you eat a McDonald’s burger salad?


The meal made famous by dietitian Dr. Robert Atkins — the burger without a bun — is trending again on TikTok, but for all the wrong reasons.

TikTok user Amber Rae uploaded a clip that sent salad lovers into a spin, and bread lovers into bewilderment, when she turned a cheeseburger into a “burger salad.”

In the 15-second video, she showed off her burger salad, consisting of a half pound of ground beef patty and cheese, with extra lettuce and tomato, and no onion or bun, all packed into a plastic takeaway box.

Many users were envious of her leafy meal, asking specifically how she managed to snag the order as McDonald’s supposedly stopped selling salads in 2021.

Rae had asked for “a quarter pounder deluxe, no bun, add extra lettuce and it became a salad,” she claimed, adding that with a large latte her total came to about $11.

Some were thrilled with the hack, while those likely too young to remember the Atkins diet lamented the concept.

@odessabourque on TikTok

"I wanna try this with one of their chicken sandwiches."

@eggmilydd on TikTok

"This made me physically sick."

@bethcools1 on TikTok

"The people making that will hate you."

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