What you see first in this optical illusion reveals a key part of your personality

An optical illusion and its hidden images can reveal lots about your personality – depending on what image you see first.

The insight doesn’t come from asking you deep questions, though – instead, the revelation comes from what you see first in a simple optical illusion.

What do you see?

According to the video of the illusion, which was shared by the YouTube channel Bright Side, if you saw a dark haired woman then you have “sharp observational skills and an eye for detail.

Bright Side

“Also, you’re a reserved and introverted person...You do make it kinda hard for others to get to know you, but you genuinely enjoy your solitude and don’t feel lonely or rejected whatsoever."

On the other hand, if the first thing you saw was a face with a really wide jaw area, you’re more likely to neglect details and go for the big picture.

Bright Side

“You’re likely more on the extroverted side. Socialising, chatting and hanging out with your friends and acquaintances gives you energy instead of being draining like it would for an introvert.”

This optical illusion reveals if you’re shy or confident