YOUR DAILY horoscope



You can insist that loved ones and work colleagues give in to your demands today but the fallout is unlikely to be pretty. If you are smart you will make an effort to meet others halfway. Start by making sure they benefit too from what you are doing.

January 20 - February 18


Someone’s powers of persuasion will be dangerously seductive today but as communications planet Mercury is undergoing one of its retrograde phases you must not let their way with words lull you into a false sense of security. Keep your mental guard up.

February 19 - March 20


You should know better than to change a winning formula, so why are you even considering doing something a different way than before? Stick with the methods and routines you know and trust and watch while others make changes and regret it.

March 21 - April 19


If something out of the ordinary happens today, and there is every possibility it will, you must deal with the situation quickly and efficiently. It may mean missing out on the fun and games your friends are enjoying but the effort will be worth it.

April 20 - May 20


A friend or family member may be difficult to win round to your way of thinking but why would you want them to look at life through your eyes rather than their own? It’s good that they see some things differently as it makes mistakes less likely.

May 21 - June 20


You may not be looking forward to what you have to do today but if you approach it in the right frame of mind it won’t be so bad. It could even be one of those situations when by worrying too much you create your own obstacles.

June 21 - July 22


Do something for yourself today, something that brings a smile to your face, even though it may result in others wearing a frown. You have done your share of looking out for other people’s interests, so look out for your own for a change.

July 23 - August 22


Try not to let your attention wander away from what you are working on today because if you lose track of what you should be doing you could get lost. If you don’t get it right this time you may find you’ve run out of time completely.

August 23 - September 22


It may seem as if someone you care for deeply has not been showing you much affection of late but the fact is they have a lot on their mind at the moment and have not had time to express their feelings. They’ll make up for it later on.

September 23 - October 22


The time will come quite soon when you have to make a decision about a relationship. Is it worth carrying on with or are your differences so large it would be better to go in different directions? Don’t be impetuous but don’t delay much longer either.

October 23 - November 21


What you most need to remember today is that words always have consequences. The planets warn that what seems like a jokey remark to you could be taken very seriously by someone you live or work with. Think carefully before you open your mouth.

November 22 - December 21


You like to be organized but with Pluto in your sign and mind planet Mercury undergoing retrograde phases your life is likely to be all over the place. Never mind. It will all come together again around the time the moon is new early next week.

December 22 - January 19