YOUR DAILY horoscope



The only problem now is that you have too many options to choose from. Do you spend time with your family, or chill with your friends, or make a big move on the work front? Pick an aim and stick with it, at least for the next 24 hours.

January 20 - February 18


Although Jupiter leaves your sign today the luck factor it has created for you will continue to bring new opportunities. But there are still a lot of past opportunities you have not fully exploited yet. Make at least one of them work for you today.

February 19 - March 20


Jupiter, planet of good fortune, moves into your sign today, where it remains for several months, a sure sign that the universe wants to see you succeed. You will succeed quicker, of course, if you can persuade others to work with you rather than against you.

March 21 - April 19


Don’t waste precious time worrying what other people might think about what you are doing, just do it and deal with the consequences as and when they arise. It’s your life and you have every right to do what feels right to you personally, today and every day.

April 20 - May 20


Friendships are under excellent stars today, thanks to Jupiter’s change of signs, but as Mercury, your ruler, is turning retrograde you must not make promises you���re not sure you can keep. If you do, you could lose friends as quickly as you make them.

May 21 - June 20


Career-wise this is one of the best times of the year, so believe in yourself and what you are doing and don’t let the naysayers get under your skin. The best way to shut them up is to push ahead with your plans. There’s no arguing with success.

June 21 - July 22


The more others tell you they can be trusted the more you are right to doubt their motives. Mercury’s retrograde phase, which begins today, means you cannot give anyone the benefit of the doubt just because they say you should. You’re not that gullible!

July 23 - August 22


As Virgo is a sign that relies more on facts than feelings you won’t be taken in by people who make claims that are clearly outrageous. Just make sure you don’t make the same sort of claims yourself. You don’t need to exaggerate your brilliance.

August 23 - September 22


You may sometimes give others the impression that life to you is a bit of a game but there is a serious side to the Libra nature and you will need to use it today. Your first and most important task is working out who you can trust.

September 23 - October 22


The time for thinking and planning is over and now you must take decisive action. On the work front, especially, you will need to make the kind of changes that scare those who don’t share your rampant self-belief – which is just about everyone!

October 23 - November 21


Jupiter, your ruler, moves into the most dynamic area of your chart today, which means that over the next few months you can and you must act as if you cannot possibly lose. Others may sometimes doubt you but you must never doubt yourself.

November 22 - December 21


When the going gets tough the tough get going and that means the current cosmic climate is tailor-made for you. Both at home and at work you will deal with situations that would freak out most people – but you’re not most people, you’re a very capable Cap!

December 22 - January 19