west bank

These top US universities took $10M from foundations, donors in the 'State of Palestine': report

Most of the money helped pay for Palestinian students from the occupied territories to receive an education at the American universities, according to the filings.

Israeli man hurt by booby-trap bomb after kicking down Palestinian flag in West Bank

Video shows an unsuspecting Israeli man kicking down a Palestinian flag planted along a highway in the West Bank -- and ending up injured when it turned out to be...

US to issue sanctions on Israeli military unit for alleged human rights violations in occupied West Bank: report

The penalties will mark the first time the United States has imposed sanctions on an Israeli military unit.  

Discovery of missing 14-year-old Israeli shepherd's body sparks wave of violent settler attacks in West Bank

Benjamin Achimeir, 14, was last seen leaving the settlement of Malachei Shalom early Friday, and the sheep he was shepherding later returned without him.

Israel kills son of Hamas leader inside his car in West Bank raid

Mohammad Omar Daraghmeh was fatally shot inside his car during an early morning raid on the West Bank city of Tubas, according to The Telegraph.

Israel's West Bank settlements are illegal, 'weakens' Jewish state's security, Blinken says

'Our administration maintains a firm opposition to settlement expansion. And in our judgment, this only weakens — it doesn’t strengthen — Israel’s security.”

When Biden lost ‘24,' the fake ‘violent settlers’ case and other commentary

“We may well look back on February 8, 2024 as the specific moment in time Joe Biden’s bid for reelection was lost,” muses Commentary’s John Podhoretz.

Netanyahu slams IDF drill simulating settlers kidnapping Palestinians

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has demanded an investigation over an IDF drill that saw soldiers simulating a fight against Jewish settlers kidnapping Palestinians in the West Bank.

Moment Israeli commandos dressed as Muslim women and doctors storm West Bank hospital, killing 3 terrorists in 10 minutes

Dramatic surveillance video from Ibn Sina hospital in the town of Jenin shows about a dozen Israeli undercover special forces soldiers dressed as Muslim women in headscarves or hospital workers...

Hamas just proved the absurdity of Joe Biden's 'two-state solution'

On Monday, Israel suffered its deadliest day since Oct. 7 when 24 soldiers were killed in Gaza.

Palestinian-American teen fatally shot in head by Israeli forces as US says 'information is scant': officials

Tawfiq Ajjaq, a 17-year-old Palestinian-American originally from Louisiana, was fatally shot in the head by Israeli forces in the West Bank on Friday, Palestinian officials said.

Palestinian students shot in Vermont say suspect waited for and targeted them

Kinnan Abdalhamid, Tahseen Ali Ahmad and Hisham Awartani were shot on Nov. 25 in Burlington.

Palestinian rioters vandalize holy site for Jews, Christians in the West Bank

The altar, which is located at Mount Ebal, was damaged after the rioters burned tires on its remains and spray-painted Palestinian flags and Arabic inscriptions on the stones last week,...

Israel investigates reports of tunneling in West Bank as locals fear imminent Oct. 7 style attack

Israeli officials have ordered new investigations into reports of digging noises under an Israeli town near the West Bank this week.

Silent night: Bethlehem cancels Christmas celebrations as Israel-Hamas war rages

Bethlehem, or Beit Lechem, is located in what is now the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

Biden's 'violent settler' Israeli visa ban would bar those who simply disagree with his terrible policies

Secretary of State Antony Blinken has announced visa restrictions on Israelis in response to “settler violence.”

Baristas fired after blocking Jewish customer from bathroom claim owner knew of antisemitic graffiti for months

A trio of California baristas who got the boot after being filmed blocking a Jewish woman from entering a restroom said Monday that they are being scapegoated -- and that the...

'Must protect myself': Israelis arm themselves in wake of Hamas attack

In the nearly two months, Israel's National Security Ministry has received about 255,000 gun license applications.

No, rewarding Islamists with a Palestinian state isn't the only option for Israel

Sen. Chris Murphy says the next Israeli government “is going to have to put us back on a path to have a Palestinian state," contending that it "is the only...

Obama's false equivalence on Hamas is outrageous — and adds pressure on Israel

Former President Barack Obama has suggested a moral equivalence between Hamas’ Oct. 7 atrocities and Israel’s occupation.