
Nikki Haley is right: Biden's collapse means Trump should up his game even more

We totally get why Donald Trump hasn’t brought Nikki Haley into his inner council after he trounced her during the primaries, but we hope he heeds her warning in the...

Undecided voters unimpressed with Biden, Trump after first presidential debate: 'Considering voting third party'

The Post talked to undecided voters in battleground states and got their reaction to the face-off — and Biden’s shocking performance.

Bowman says race for NY-16 was about 'justice' as SI GOP rep Malliotakis celebrates 'Squad' defeat: 'Good riddance'

Follow The Post’s live updates for results, photos, analysis and more from New York's primary elections today.

Why Biden’s losing the young, Biden’s freezes are real and other commentary

“Disapproval of Biden is widespread among young voters” and not just because of “American support for Israel’s war against Hamas,” explains Jeremy Etelson at The Hill.

Reform NYC's charter to allow open primaries — and rescue City Hall from the hard left

The Charter Revision Commission can open NYC's primaries to independent voters, potentially dampening leftist power in City Hall.

Young voters are leaning Republican as Dems work overtime to make themselves the ‘cool’ thing

New polling shows young voters in the US are shrugging off their habit of voting left and actually thinking of voting Republican in November.

Unvaxxed voices: Voters who skipped shots overwhelmingly back Trump — but prefer Biden to RFK

They're loud, they're proud, they're unvaccinated -- and they're voting for Trump.

Stuck with a record of failure, Biden has resorted to outright vote-buying

Unable to run on his stunning record of failure, President Biden has resorted to the lowest of campaign tricks: buying votes — and he’s doing it with your dollars.

Kari Lake again suggests election tampering as she trails Ruben Gallego in polls for Arizona senate seat

"We have got many lawsuits running, one of them in Arizona, fighting to make sure illegals aren't voting,'' Lake said.

Europe nixes net zero, US ramps up, kill the prez-debate commission and other commentary

“You know you’ve stumbled through the looking glass when European politicians start sounding saner on climate policy” than Americans, quips The Wall Street Journal’s Joseph C. Sternberg. 

Don't let Big Tech influence the elections yet again this year

Numerous states have passed reforms to address vulnerabilities and improve the integrity of their elections, as documented by the Heritage Foundation’s Election Integrity Scorecard.

James Carville’s message to young voters opposed to Biden: ‘F--k you’ 

Carville, 79, ended his tirade with more suggestions for Democratic operatives hoping to turn out young people in November.

Biden's secret weapon for November: using federal agencies to 'get out the vote' FOR HIM

President Biden is the weakest incumbent in modern history. No matter: He's using the strength of the federal government to register and mobilize voters who are likely to support his...

Comedian attacks piñata in fit of rage after learning Trump is gaining traction with Latino voters

Actor John Leguizamo attacked a piñata in a fit of rage Tuesday after learning former President Donald Trump was gaining support among Latino voters.

Volkswagen’s only US plant faces union vote as UAW aims to expand beyond Detroit

Volkswagen's lone US plant on the southern border of Tennessee has become a battleground over worker representation as the United Auto Workers union seeks to expand its foothold beyond Detroit....

Anti-Ukraine Republicans like J.D. Vance and Marjorie Taylor Greene don't speak for most voters

Senator J.D. Vance and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene are united in the belief that the worst thing America is doing right now is helping Ukraine stand up to Russian dictator...

Katie Couric slammed for claiming Trump's MAGA driven by 'anti-intellectualism'

Katie Couric says the driving force behind MAGA is “anti-intellectualism” adding that the political movement is full of “jealous, bitter, resentful people.”

Number of Hispanic Americans who support border wall, deportation rises as crisis escalates: poll

Four in ten Hispanic Americans (42%) want a wall along the US-Mexico border, an Axios and Ipsos poll released this week found -- a 12 percentage point jump from December...

Group launches multi-state campaign to mobilize Jewish voters

A Jewish group called the Teach Coalition is launching multi-state campaigns to mobilize Jews and other faith-based voters for the upcoming primaries and fall elections.

Democrats think that simply not being Trump is enough to beat him — but it won’t be

Democrats seem to have lost one of the most basic of all political skills: asking those who are not already committed supporters for their votes.