voter id law

How non-citizens are getting voter registration forms across the US — and how Republicans are trying to stop it

Welfare offices and other agencies in 49 US states are providing voter registration forms to migrants without requiring proof of citizenship, leading Republicans and conservatives to call for swift federal...

North Carolina court strikes down voter ID law as 'motivated' by racist 'intent'

North Carolina's Supreme Court narrowly struck down the state’s photo voter identification law, ruling the policy "was motivated by a racially discriminatory purpose."

Dems’ voter-suppression oops, private sector to the moon and other commentary

NASA's launch capability comes “as the agency starts to embrace the commercial space industry.” NASA is shifting “from telling industry what to build” to “telling industry what it wants” and...

John Fetterman's reasons for opposing voter ID are an insult to black Americans

The Democratic establishment has manufactured this perverted tribal rhetoric about black people for political power. Nothing more.

Why Dems oppose voter ID — yet push ID cards for illegal migrants

Congressional Democrats are considering legislation that would provide secure identification cards to those who crossed our southern border in violation of our immigration laws.

The border stampede isn't a Biden a 'failure' — it's exactly what he and Dems want

President Joe Biden’s no-border policy has detonated an explosion of illegal-immigrant apprehensions.

Biden is hardly the first Democrat to try to delegitimize elections

President Joe Biden joined Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and numerous other Democrats this week in a partisan attempt to preemptively delegitimize the 2022 election.

Letters to the Editor — Jan. 15, 2022

The Issue: President Biden’s speech in Georgia on the filibuster and the Democrats’ voting-rights bill. President Biden is misleading the American public by saying opposition to his voting-rights bills is...

Schumer calls GOP alternative to vote reform 'unacceptable,' 'offensive'

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer rejected Republican calls to reform a 19th century election law in order to prevent a reprise of last year's Capitol riot, calling the proposal "insufficient."

Supreme Court to consider if NC pols can help defend voter ID law

The Supreme Court announced Wednesday that it will take up a case brought by two North Carolina GOP politicians who wish to join the legal defense of the state's voter...

The truth about 'The Bidens' and other commentary

From the Left: The Truth About ‘The Bidens’ Lines like, “Hunter Biden’s life is one long accident, and he’s constantly leaving the scene of it,” pepper TK News’ Matt Taibbi’s hilarious writeup...

If vax passports are OK, then so is requiring voter ID

Democrats should abandon the vaccine-passport regime. The vast majority of Americans who want to get jabbed did so long ago. If you accept the science showing us that vaccines are...

House Democrats pass voting bill named after late Rep. John Lewis

House Democrats passed legislation Tuesday meant to bolster the landmark Voting Rights Act of 1965 with no Republican support.

Sen. Cramer pushes for states with vaccine passports to also mandate voter ID

Cramer's proposed legislation comes as New York City announced it was mandating proof of vaccination to enter certain indoor businesses.

Sorry, Mr. President: The 'fight' for voter rights is nothing like the Civil War

If this is Joe Biden when he’s forceful and passionate, the country is better off with the passive and detached version. The president gave a thunderous address in Philadelphia on...

Sorry, Joe, that's no Gettysburg address

President Joe Biden is leading the Democrats' efforts to spew offensive hyperboles on Republican election laws, without ever acknowledging that voting is as easy as never before, Dan McLaughlin of...

An erector and elector set of lies: Devine

It is a travesty that the FBI is now looking into Lego sets while arresting dozens of innocent Capitol rioters, Miranda Devine writes.

Harris slammed for saying voter-ID laws wouldn't work for rural voters

VP Kamala Harris was criticized Saturday for suggesting that rural Americans wouldn’t be able to comply with new voter-ID laws because they lack photocopying equipment.

Dems' outrageous attempt to tilt elections in their favor

Civil-rights leaders met with Team Biden at the White House on Thursday to protest what they claim is a widespread assault on voting rights “for blacks and people of color,”...

Clyburn says he can 'absolutely' get behind Manchin voter ID proposal

House Majority Whip James Clyburn said Sunday that he "absolutely" could support a proposed national voter ID requirement offered last month by Sen. Joe Manchin.