Vladimir Lenin

Lessons from 1924 we should heed in 2024

The past is a better teacher if we will pay attention to successes and mistakes so that we might avoid one and embrace the other.

Man arrested in Moscow for trying to firebomb Lenin's mausoleum

Konstantin Stachukov was detained outside the mausoleum in the Red Square.

How likely are you to commit murder, according to your zodiac sign

In astrology, the signs are divided into three modalities; cardinal, which initiates, fixed which stabilizes and mutable which adapts. The majority of serial killers belong not to one specific sign,...

Lower East Side Lenin statue goes all in for Ukraine

The 18-foot copper statue stood for years on a rental building called Red Square at 250 Houston St. The communist leader's likeness faced south toward Wall Street with his arm...

It's not too late to save New York's own Lenin monument

Since the fall of communism in 1989, I’ve been to dozens of cities — most in the former Eastern Bloc — where statues of Lenin have been taken down. I...