vito lopez

Andrew Cuomo was quick to tell others to resign over sex harass claims

ALBANY -- Gov. Andrew Cuomo has been quick to call for the resignations of powerful Albany lawmakers accused of sexually harassing aides -- including known harassers Vito Lopez, Micah Kellner...

Brooklyn Dems are $226K in debt — including $50K owed to outgoing boss

Frank Seddio is stepping down from his role as the Brooklyn Democratic Party boss — but he’s still weighing down the cash-strapped group’s balance sheet. The embattled political machine owes...

Former state ethics officer says she wasted her time

The former top ethics officer for the New York State Assembly said she wasted her time in the job because the leadership wasn’t serious about reform. “I would tell them...

Vito Lopez's leftover campaign stash is going to his church

Vito Lopez is still touching people from beyond the grave. The late Brooklyn Assemblyman committed many sins during his long tenure -- and now that he's dead, his political heirs...

Late Vito Lopez failed to document $55K in campaign funds

Vito Lopez is pulling one last scam – from the grave. The former Assemblyman and longtime Brooklyn Democratic Party boss, who died of leukemia 15 months ago, failed to properly...

Vito Lopez’s charity aided his political career: FBI probe

Boosting serial sex groper Vito Lopez’s political career was a key job requirement at the government-funded nonprofit he founded and controlled, an FBI investigation found. Political work by employees of...

Judge who tried to weasel out of DWI blasted by judicial conduct group

A Brooklyn judge has been censured by the state’s Commission on Judicial Conduct more than three years after he was arrested for driving drunk near Albany and then trying to...

De Blasio, Cuomo skip funeral for Vito Lopez

Gov. Cuomo, Mayor de Blasio, and former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver skipped former Assemblyman Vito Lopez’s funeral Saturday morning. Public officials, including then-Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and then-Mayor Michael Bloomberg,...

Vito Lopez is dead

Former Assemblyman Vito Lopez, who championed the rights of tenants and the elderly but whose three-decade career crashed in a sexual harassment scandal, has died. The longtime Brooklyn legislator fell...

Vito Lopez's dying wish to help mom of intern he 'harassed'

Disgraced former Assemblyman Vito Lopez’s “dying wish” is to elevate to Brooklyn Supreme Court the mother of a teen intern he has been accused of sexually harassing, sources tell The...

New York's sleaze incentive

Send the bill to Shelly. Why should New Yorkers have to pick up the $545,000 tab for settling a lawsuit brought by two former legislative staffers who say they were...

Ex-Vito Lopez aides accept $580K settlement with state

Ex-state Assemblyman Vito Lopez’s​ uncontrolled desire to grope two former female underlings will cost state taxpayers more than​ ​half a million dollars. Former state Assembly aides Victoria Burhans and Chloë...

Victims of disgraced Rep. Lopez can sue state: judge

The two young women who toppled the career of Brooklyn Assemblyman Vito Lopez​ when they accused him of sexual harassment can pursue a lawsuit against the state of New York...

Vito Lopez's aides score sweet payouts after being booted

It sure pays to be pals with disgraced ex-Assemblyman Vito Lopez. Despite pleading guilty to criminal contempt for lying to federal probers, serial groper Lopez’s former campaign treasurer Christiana Fisher...

'Sick' Lopez delayed suit deposition but went to wedding

He played the sick card to get out of a deposition in a lawsuit accusing him of groping two female former aides — but disgraced former Assemblyman Vito Lopez found...

Vito Lopez cut a big break in sexual harassment case

A federal magistrate judge cut disgraced ex-Assemblyman Vito Lopez and Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver a huge break Monday by issuing a gag order in a lawsuit accusing Lopez of groping...

Vito Lopez tries to get out of deposition for 'medical reasons'

First he cried poverty, and now disgraced former Assemblyman Vito Lopez is playing the sick card in a pending federal sexual-harassment lawsuit accusing him of groping two female underlings. Lopez...

Schneiderman sues Vito Lopez to collect $300K harassment fine

State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman on Thursday sued disgraced ex-Brooklyn Assemblyman Vito Lopez to collect a $330,000 fine imposed more than a year ago for sexually harassing female staffers. In...

Judge hints state may be liable for Vito Lopez's sexual harassment

Reasoning that even elected officials have bosses, a Manhattan Supreme Court judge hinted that he may allow a case to proceed against New York state over claims disgraced former Assemblyman...

AG threatens to sue Vito Lopez over nonpayment of fine

State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is threatening to sue disgraced ex-Brooklyn Assemblyman Vito Lopez for failing to pay a $330,000 fine for sexually harassing female staffers, The Post has learned....