trump’s first 100 days

Trump gives himself an 'A' for effort

President Trump said Tuesday he would give himself an "A plus" for effort but a "C" for getting his administration's message out to America. “In terms of messaging, I would...

Trump's Navy secretary pick officially withdraws

President Trump’s nominee for secretary of the Navy on Sunday removed his name from consideration over ethical concerns about his financial holdings. Financier Philip Bilden said in a statement that...

Is Team Trump dropping the ball on tax cuts?

First the good news: President Trump’s plan to reverse his predecessor’s economic malaise by cutting taxes and slashing red tape seems to be still on the table. Now the bad...

Why Trump should expect his presidency to be a drag-out fight

In the month since Donald Trump was inaugurated as the 45th president of the United States, his opponents on the left, in the media and in the Deep State of...

Trump brags about his first month in office

He's only been in office for a month -- but President Trump wants you to know he's already boosted the economy and cut the national debt. “The media has not...

Is Trump only going to cut small programs?

Robert Redford says an Office of Management and Budget memo suggesting the Trump administration might try to eliminate the National Endowment for the Arts is "another example of our democracy...

Don't let Trump's style blind you to his substance

Substance and style — it’s easy to get them confused. That’s especially true when it comes to evaluating President Trump’s performance, a word particularly ambiguous in his case, as referring...

Witches around the world plot mass spell against Trump

They’re out to put a spell on you, President Trump. Witches around the world are expected to cast a mass spell at the stroke of midnight Friday “to bind Donald...

Trump team outlines new plan to crack down on illegal immigrants

The Trump administration on Tuesday unveiled sweeping reforms that reverse many of former President Barack Obama’s immigration policies — and allow the United States to give the boot to virtually...

Trump rallies Florida supporters 'without the filter of fake news'

President Trump already has 2020 vision. “They could not defeat us in the primary, they could not defeat us in the general election . . . and most importantly we will continue...

Trump's new travel ban won't affect green-card holders

A new version of a Trump administration travel ban will not stop green card residency holders or travelers already on planes from entering the United States, U.S. Secretary for Homeland...

Petraeus no longer a candidate to replace Flynn

Retired general and former CIA chief David Petraeus is no longer a candidate to be President Donald Trump's national security adviser, thwarted by differences over who controls staffing decisions within...

Trump insists White House is running 'very well'

Everything's just fine in the White House, President Trump insisted Saturday in a morning tweet. "Don’t believe the main stream (fake news) media.The White House is running VERY WELL," Trump...

Senate confirms EPA foe to run agency

The Senate confirmed a chief critic of the Environmental Protection Agency to lead the agency in a narrow, mostly partisan vote Friday. Scott Pruitt received the support of 52 senators...

It's a bloodbath at the State Department

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is cleaning house at the State Department, according to a report. Staffers in the offices of deputy secretary of state for management and resources as...

Trump insists plan to kill ObamaCare is on track

President Trump early Friday touted his effort to kill ObamaCare, promising that repealing and replacing the sweeping health care law "is moving fast!" "Despite the long delays by the Democrats...

Trump cheers his own epic press-conference rant against the media

President Trump took a victory lap Friday morning, boasting about the kudos he received following his meandering press conference the day before. "Thank you for all of the nice statements...

Trump picks Alexander Acosta as new labor secretary nominee

President Trump on Thursday selected Alexander Acosta, dean of the Florida International University College of Law, as his next choice for Labor Secretary after Andrew Puzder's nomination crashed when his...

Puzder likely won't be approved as labor secretary

Top Senate Republicans have urged the White House to withdraw Andrew Puzder's nomination for labor secretary -- with four firm Republican no votes and possibly as many as 12, it...

Mattis threatens to 'moderate' NATO if allies don't pay up

President Trump’s defense secretary on Wednesday warned America’s NATO allies that if they don’t cough up more cash for defense, the US could “moderate” its commitment to the decades-old treaty....