trans-pacific partnership

Even Hillary Clinton's fans don't believe a thing she says

Hillary Clinton revealed on Wednesday that she opposes the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, providing just the latest evidence that she is little more than political ambition wrapped in a pantsuit....

Hillary Clinton's 'trust' deficit deepens after latest flip-flop

She was for it — loudly — before she was against it. That pretty much sums up Hillary Clinton’s “evolving” position on President Obama’s 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. Mind...

Hillary flip-flops on Asia-trade treaty

WASHINGTON — With socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders gaining in polls, Hillary Rodham Clinton Wednesday tilted left again and came out against the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership, which is central to President...

President Obama needs to fight for his new trade deal

Three cheers for President Obama. Seriously. The United States and 11 other nations — including Canada, Japan, Chile, Australia, Malaysia and Vietnam — on Monday announced final agreement on the...

Hillary Clinton’s profile in cravenness on trade

Hillary Clinton wouldn’t be the first Democratic presidential nominee who was for something before she was against it. But her turnaround on President Obama’s trade deal rivals John Kerry’s famous...

Democrats just kneecapped President Obama

June 12, 2015, may well go down in history as the day President Obama became a lame duck. As we warned last month, he has only his fellow Democrats to...

Schumer, Reid aiming to make Obama a lame duck

President Obama has steadfastly refused to accept the notion he’s a lame duck — despite last year’s repudiation at the polls, which gave Republicans control of both houses of Congress....

Democrats should stop undermining President Obama

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe addresses Congress on Wednesday to make the case for the Trans-Pacific Partnership — a 12-nation pact that would create the world’s largest free-trade zone, ranging from...

Will Hillary stand up for Asia-trade treaty --- and the US economy?

Hillary Clinton was the first member of the Obama administration to promote the sound idea of a “pivot to Asia.” So why is she now so ambivalent about what would...