trans-pacific partnership

US and 12 countries join new Indo-Pacific trade pact

TOKYO — President Joe Biden announced 12 countries have joined a new trade pact that the White House says will help the United States work more closely with Asian economies...

De Blasio waited over six months to endorse Hillary Clinton

Mayor de Blasio waited six and a half months to endorse Hillary Clinton for president in 2015 -- all while poking fun at her behind the scenes, according to newly...

Trump talks trade, North Korea with Japan's prime minister

President Trump on Tuesday began two days of bilateral talks with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at Mar-a-Lago, where the pair will focus on trade issues among other topics. “The...

Trump wants to rejoin Trans-Pacific Partnership: lawmakers

Lawmakers emerging from a White House sitdown with President Trump said Thursday that the commander-in-chief may change course and rejoin the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. Bailing on the Obama-era pact...

Eleven countries to sign landmark trans-Pacific trade pact without US

SANTIAGO — Eleven countries are expected to sign a landmark Asia-Pacific trade agreement in Santiago on Thursday, as an antidote to the increasingly protectionist bent of the United States, which...

Countries in TPP trade deal move ahead without US

DANANG, Vietnam - Countries in the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal have agreed on the core elements to move ahead without the United States, officials said on Saturday, after...

Trump's second 100 days will be better than his first

As any savvy player in business or sports knows, it’s not how you start, but how you finish. The first 100 days of a presidency is important to only one...

Freedom Caucus member reveals GOP's 'vindictive retaliation'

President Donald Trump took aim at the Freedom Caucus last month after they helped torpedo his ObamaCare replacement bill, claiming they will “hurt the entire Republican agenda if they don’t...

Why Team Trump has China worried

You think you’re confused about President Trump? Imagine how they feel in Beijing. They might’ve rejoiced this week when the new president fulfilled a campaign promise to undo the Trans...

Trump's TPP withdrawal proof he's keeping his promises

On President Trump’s first Monday in the Oval Office, he delivered on one of his core campaign promises, killing the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. It’s not an easy thing to...

Trump gets his eye back on the pro-growth ball

On his first full workday in office, President Trump kept one repeated campaign promise, formally pulling the plug on the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. But his remarks out of a...

Trump has 'excellent meeting' with union bosses who backed Clinton

Labor leaders praised Donald Trump for an "excellent meeting" at the White House Monday, the same day the president officially pulled out of a trade pact reviled by those leaders,...

Trump withdraws US from Trans-Pacific Partnership

WASHINGTON — President Trump wasted no time on Monday carrying out a central campaign pledge by scuttling the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, one in a number of executive orders he...

Here's everything that made Trump's 'naughty and nice' list

The president-elect is making his winners and losers list and checking it twice. For the first time in his life, Donald Trump will be pulling together a holiday shopping list...

Trump vows to back out of TPP as soon as he takes office President-elect Donald Trump took to YouTube on Monday to reaffirm his agenda for his first 100 days in office, including withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership. "My agenda will be...

Trump's first chance to silence his foreign policy critics

President-elect Donald Trump already has a chance to prove wrong the chorus of foreign-policy critics who hounded him on the campaign trail. On Thursday, Trump is expected to conduct his...

McConnell says no vote on TPP before Trump takes office

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Wednesday dashed any remaining hopes that President Barack Obama's signature Pacific-Rim trade deal would come up for a vote before President-elect Donald Trump...

Where Democrats repudiate President Obama

Democrats cheered President Obama’s speech for Hillary Clinton last week, and rightly so: It was a stem-winder. Too bad those same delegates also roundly rejected his last major initiative —...

Don't let China steal the lead on trade

Over the past six years, America’s businesses have created more than 14 million new jobs. To keep this progress going, we need to pursue every avenue of economic growth. Today,...

The Trans-Pacific Partnership could end US-made clothing

The Trans-Pacific Partnership free-trade deal, which was blasted by GOP front-runner Donald Trump in Tuesday’s presidential debate, will have an impact on the city. Trump described the 5,544-page agreement —...