tony clark

Automated strike zone system an MLB 'possibility' by 2026: commish

ARLINGTON, Texas — Rob Manfred cautioned that there are issues to work out, but he acknowledged there is a “viable possibility” that Major League Baseball will add an automated system...

War brewing inside MLBPA after players' call for ouster of deputy director

A war appears to be brewing inside the Major League Baseball Players Association, that has the possibility of fracturing the players union. 

'Work is being done' to potentially fix highly ridiculed MLB jerseys: MLBPA

MLB’s uniform catastrophe may be coming to an end in the future. 

Why players aren't on board with MLB's efforts to speed up the game on and off the field

The idea of a free agency deadline and a shortened pitch clock are two more issues on which MLB's players and owners disagree. injury concerns.

Players furious over controversial new MLB jerseys: 'Everyone hates them'

The backlash over the new Major League Baseball jerseys has continued, and now, one of the game's prominent figures is speaking out.

What MLB should do to combat the dangers of 'grip it and rip it' pitching

It would seem counterintuitive to ask pitchers to work more as a countermeasure to injuries.

MLB commissioner gives update on Mets' injured-list saga

MLB’s probe into the Mets’ alleged misuse of the IL is ongoing, but Rob Manfred said its resolution should be “a relatively short-term” issue.

MLB and players' union on different pages regarding longer playoff pitch clock

As the pressure ticks up, major league players would like a few extra ticks to think.

What MLB owners and union must do before it's too late

MLB and the union need to get back to the table — and now. Time is the enemy and the walls don’t just surround owners and players, though the near-...

MLB owners and players should be aware of this brutal truth

The announcement by Rob Manfred of canceled games led to fury among consumers, which is actually great news. The death knell is indifference.

MLB labor impasse is now the owners' fault

If it’s looking increasingly like you’re screwed if you love baseball, Saturday did at least provide some clarity at the unsubtly named Roger Dean Chevrolet Stadium: The owners.

MLB labor talks leaves glimmer of hope

If you have tickets for Opening Day? Don’t get excited quite yet. Take solace, however, in the fact that Major League Baseball’s players and owners actually took a step forward...

The brutal truth on where MLB, union negotiations stand

Neither side is moving much, with the clock running out to sign a new Basic Agreement in time to begin the season, as scheduled, on March 31.

Unlocking MLB: How owners, players can reach agreement to play ball

Probably, straightening out Major League Baseball ranks as harder than armchair labor lawyers like yours truly portray it. Definitely, it should be easier than the actual negotiating parties make it...

The MLB lockout is officially here

As midnight hit Thursday morning, a Major League Baseball owners’ lockout of the players became a reality.

Update on MLB and union's CBA talks

MLB’s collective bargaining agreement expires on Dec. 1, and despite the acrimony between the players and owners, there's optimism a new deal will get done on time.

The challenging facing MLB and the players' union

Some free counsel for Rob Manfred and Tony Clark: Don’t yearn too much for what preceded us.

MLB likely nixing these controversial rules

Rob Manfred doesn't see these MLB rules lasting beyond this season.

A-Rod's call for salary cap already met with resistance

Alex Rodriguez, one of the bidders attempting to purchase the Mets, is already sounding like an owner. In regards to declining relations between the MLB and the players association, Rodriguez...

MLB's coronavirus problems are only getting worse

A slew of positive coronavirus test results in Major League Baseball has further complicated an already strained situation as labor negotiations continue to stall. USA Today reported that 40 players...