
Why Lyme Disease remains as dangerous, mysterious and hard to detect as ever

Surging case loads and warmer winters have made Lyme Disease worse than ever.

2 new Lyme disease vaccines could mean end of debilitating illness

One promising approach was discovered in a protein that's found in human sweat.

Scientists may have found the key to Lyme disease prevention — in human sweat

"We have fantastic antibiotics that work for 90% of people, but in the 40 years we’ve known about Lyme disease, we have not budged that," the senior study author said.

Tick season is kicking off early this year — experts warn of Lyme disease risk

Health officials are warning we could be in for a severe tick season.

Tiny, cattle-killing ticks spread across Ohio: 'No getting rid of them'

“They are going to spread to pretty much every part of Ohio, and they are going to be a long-term management problem," said one concerned expert.

I had every toe on my foot amputated after a tick bite

Ohio's Tim Rosebrook had to have all of the toes on one foot removed after a tick bite triggered an infection that snowballed out of control.

Alpha-gal syndrome: LI county a hot spot for tick-borne meat allergy

“We have to sound the alarm out here,” said one patient with alpha-gal syndrome. “It’s here, it’s serious, and the numbers are very, very concerning.”

I've been battling Lyme disease for a decade — Bella Hadid's diagnosis made me hopeful

Kirstie Haysman has been battling debilitating Lyme disease symptoms for nearly a decade, but says Bella Hadid openly talking about her diagnosis has finally given her optimism for recovery.

Mysterious illness triggered by tick bite could affect thousands -- but many doctors are unaware of it

The CDC has only been aware of Alpha-Gal Syndrome since 2008, according to Dr. Johanna Salzer, CDC epidemiologist and a senior author of the new report.

Incurable meat allergy from tick bite 'turned my life upside down’: NJ man

Craig Smith, 62, developed a severe allergy to red meat and dairy after getting bitten by the invasive lone star tick.

Warning signs I didn’t spot before finding an engorged tick on my scrotum

The Post's Ben Cost potentially put his life, and manhood, on the Lyme to find out about the uptick in tick-borne disease across New York State.

CEO mourns daughter who died by suicide after heartbreaking battle with Lyme disease

A grieving dad has shared his anguish at losing his 22-year-old daughter, who committed suicide after struggling with a debilitating case of Lyme disease.

Pennsylvania toddler contracts rare illness from tick bite

A Pennsylvania mom shares her son's medical journey to help others recognize the signs of a potentially perilous illness.

Gruesome 'nose-bleed fever' death toll rises to 18 as tick-borne virus spreads

The onset of illness causes rapid and severe internal and external bleeding in infected patients, including through the nose, hence its nickname "nose-bleed fever."

New reason to fear ticks: Extreme food allergy possible from single bite

Now there's a new reason to fear tick bites. It's a potentially deadly allergy that starts with the dreaded insects. Once people are exposed, they can be stuck with a...

Extremely unlucky man gets 3 diseases from single tick bite

A new case report details one man's bad luck after a single tick bite left him with not just Lyme disease but two other separate infections as well.

Exotic tick species found in Rhode Island for the first time: officials

Two exotic species of ticks have been discovered for the first time in Rhode Island, state officials announced Monday. The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management said both Asian and...

Tick-bite disease with coronavirus symptoms on the rise in NY

Experiencing COVID-19-like symptoms after venturing into nature? It may not be the coronavirus, but a tick-borne disease with similar symptoms.

Ticks carrying multiple diseases are 'taking over' Long Island

Lyme disease isn't the only awful illness ticks are capable of transmitting. Superticks can carry up to four different diseases at a time, including Lyme disease. And these insects of...