
Bill and Chirl's split: Letters to the Editor — July 7, 2023

Former New York Mayor Bill de Blasio announced he and his wife Chirlane McCray are separating after their nearly three-decade marriage.

If Michelle Go's killer is unfit for trial, why was free to roam streets in the first place?

Prosecutors agreed Tuesday that the homeless man who fatally pushed Michelle Go on the subway was unfit for trial. So why did authorities free him in the first place?

Not thriving: Rebranded mental health agency needs leader, says critics

Critics question whether a rebrand of the embattled de Blasio-era “ThriveNYC” initiative has the leadership to handle the city’s mental health crisis.

No, Eric, no: Thrive NYC needs to die

It seems Mayor Eric Adams is looking merely to rebrand the boondoggle ThriveNYC rather than shut it down. That would be his worst mistake yet.

Mayor Adams eyeing controversial ex-councilman to run rebranded ThriveNYC

Mayor Adams may choose Fernando Cabrera, who has stated his opposition to abortion and gay marriage, to run the Mayor's Office of Community Mental Health.

Congresswoman calls for probe into 'ThriveNYC'

Less than a week after Michelle Go's subway shoving death, allegedly at the hands of a crazed vagrant, Rep. Nicole Malliotakis is calling for an investigation into the city's $1.5...

Good riddance to NYC's worst mayor ever – Bill de Blasio: Goodwin

The Big Apple has an illustrious history of great mayors and also bad ones too – but Mayor Bill de Blasio was beyond the worst of all time with his...

End of an error: De Blasio leaves City Hall with broken promises, dashed dreams

Bill de Blasio's come-from-behind victory in the 2013 mayoral race gave New York City its first progressive leader in generations — and unleashed eight years of controversy and turbulence.

It’s not about funding – it’s about having the will to fix the problems we foist on our police

It’s a Christmas miracle. The editorial board of the New York Post and leftist "Defund the Police" Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez agree on something.

Jumaane Williams knocks de Blasio for claiming credit on new national suicide helpline

Jumaane Williams knocked Bill de Blasio for trying to claim credit for the federal government's new '988' three-digit quick dial to a national suicide prevention hotline.

Oh happy day when we vote to replace Bill de Blasio — the worst mayor ever!

As New York City selects our next mayor, Bill de Blasio is officially out of his way from City Hall after a decade of torturing the Big Apple with his...

Mentally ill rule NYC: Attacks all too predictable as de Blasio's plan fails

It’s every New Yorker’s worst nightmare. On Monday, Oct. 4, as Lenny Javier was waiting for the subway, video shows 29-year-old Anthonia Egegbara lunge at her, shoving her with full...

Almost another fatal subway shove and de Blasio's answer is call this 800 number

Following yet another episode of dangerous subway shoves hurting New Yorkers, Mayor Bill de Blasio still insists the city is safe, Seth Barron writes.

De Blasio won't help the violent mentally ill — the next NYC mayor must

Mayor Bill de Blasio and first lady Chirlane McCray just rolled out the third — yes, third! — iteration of the failed city mental-health program she's run, ThriveNYC. To say...

Letters to the Editor — Aug. 21, 2021

New York Post readers sound off about Mayor Bill de Blasio's response to an attacker who brutally assaulted a man with a hatchet at an ATM in the Financial District.

De Blasio's focus needs to shift to the truly deranged people

An innocent New Yorker stands at the ATM of a lower Manhattan bank, minding his own business. Another man enters and, with no prompt or warning, attacks the first with...

De Blasio rebrands ThriveNYC again, downplays violence by mentally ill

Mayor de Blasio and his wife Chirlane McCray rolled out the third iteration of ThriveNYC Wednesday -- while downplaying the horrific attack of a man in a lower Manhattan ATM...

The de Blasio-Corey Johnson 'vanity budget'

Call it $98.7 billion in proof that lame ducks only care about themselves, as Mayor Bill de Blasio and Speaker Corey Johnson finalized a record city budget.

Budget deal adds $115M in spending by agency formerly known as 'ThriveNYC'

ThriveNYC, which had been headed by first lady Chirlane McCray, has since been rebranded and now an agency part of City Hall. There will also be $96 million going toward...

New York's mental-health fail: Refusing to do right by the homeless

Scott Stringer was a leader in the mayoral race until #MeToo accusations derailed his campaign, so his comment Wednesday on handling the mentally ill homeless was beyond revealing of progressive...