Theodore McCarrick

Former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick unfit for sex abuse trial due to dementia: judge

A judge dismissed a criminal case accusing a Catholic leader of molesting a minor nearly 50 years ago -- finding him unfit for trial because of dementia.

Archdiocese of Newark could pay in ex-cardinal's sex abuse case: judge

A New Jersey judge ruled Thursday that the Archdiocese of Newark be held financially responsible for abuse claims against ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick.

Former Cardinal McCarrick pleads not guilty to molesting 16-year-old boy

Former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick pleaded not guilty on Friday to abusing a 16-year-old boy in Massachusetts nearly 50 years ago.

Unholy creep: Ex-cardinal charged with molesting teen boy

Ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, who was defrocked in 2018, is the highest ranking Catholic official in the US to face criminal charges in the church's sex abuse scandal.

Alleging sex abuse, 4 sue Vatican over handling of McCarrick

Four accusers of former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick have filed a lawsuit against the Vatican, arguing it should be held liable for allowing the now-disgraced cleric to serve in multiple positions...

Blame McCarrick, not John Paul and other commentary

Religion beat: Blame McCarrick, not John Paul At First Things, George Weigel rails against “the media herd of independent minds,” which decided that the Big Story out of Vatican’s just-released...

Ex-cardinal ran sex ring from beach house, lawsuit claims

Disgraced ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick allegedly ran a sex ring out of his New Jersey beach house -- where one victim claims he was molested by him and three other priests,...

Ex-cardinal sent cash to church leaders during abuse probe: report

Disgraced former cardinal Theodore McCarrick sent hundreds of thousands of dollars in church funds to Catholic leaders as he faced mounting sexual abuse allegations, according to a report. McCarrick since...

Media ignores Mattis’ hit on Obama

From the right: Media Ignores Mattis’ Hit on Obama Press coverage of Gen. James Mattis’ new memoir, “Call Sign Chaos,” has mostly dealt with the former defense secretary’s relations with...

Disgraced ex-cardinal’s letters to alleged sex abuse victims revealed

VATICAN CITY — At first glance, the handwritten postcards and letters look innocuous, even warm, sometimes signed by "Uncle T." or "Your uncle, Father Ted." But taken in context, the...

Vatican omitted part of pope's remarks about sex abuse priest McCarrick

VATICAN CITY — The Vatican communications office released only a partial transcript of Pope Francis' comments about what he knew of disgraced ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, omitting his claim that he...

Vatican defrocks former US Cardinal McCarrick over sex abuse

Pope Francis defrocked former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick on Saturday after Vatican officials found him guilty of soliciting for sex while hearing confession and of “sins” with both minors and adults....

Behind Ted McCarrick’s fall: the wrong kind of ‘openness’

The Roman Catholic Church is sometimes viewed as an impenetrable fortress. To many liberals, that’s exactly the problem. The church, they think, needs to come of age, modernize its teachings...

The cardinal who knew — and said nothing

What did Donald Cardinal Weurl, Washington’s retired archbishop, know about his pervy predecessor, the ex-cardinal Theodore “Uncle Ted” McCarrick, and when did he know it? That question has agitated American...

The Vatican has failed to give answers on cardinal's disgrace

The Catholic Church hierarchy has descended on Rome this month, and the theme of the gathering is youth. Pope Francis wants his bishops to figure out how to “help the...

Cardinal Dolan's face-the-facts, do-what's-right record on priestly abuse

It’s a tough time to be a Catholic. From the removal of Theodore McCarrick from the College of Cardinals to the disturbing Pennsylvania report (which prompted the New York attorney...

Catholic Church must also confront abuse of young priests

By 1986, 26-year-old Michael Reading had heard the stories about Newark Archbishop Theodore McCarrick and his beach house. So when he was invited for a barbecue and overnight stay at...