The Clintons

Scandal-plagued de Blasio catches break Ed Koch never did

It is a tale of two scandals. And how one crooked City Hall was rocked by prosecutions and another got a free pass. With Mayor de Blasio apparently coasting to...

What the Clintons taught Trump, Shepard's masterpiece and other comments

From the right: How GOP Can Fix ObamaCare Now Senate Republicans’ failure to pass even a “skinny repeal” of ObamaCare is “a serious disappointment,” say Lanhee Chen and Tevi Troy...

Trump administration will pressure foreign states to probe Clinton Foundation

Foreign governments will be encouraged to investigate the Clinton Foundation’s finances, as many are already turning off money spigots to the scandal-scarred group, The Post has learned. A source close...

Donations to Clinton Foundation fell by 37 percent

Donations to the Clinton Foundation nose-dived last year amid Hillary Clinton’s presidential run, pay-to-play allegations, internal strife and a black mark from a charity watchdog. Contributions fell by 37 percent...

Clintons failed to get permits for rushed home renovation

Bill and Hillary Clinton failed to get required permits for a rushed renovation of the house and grounds they recently bought next to their original Westchester home, it was reported...

Bill and Hillary's sleazy road to riches

If there were still any doubt, the latest WikiLeaks disclosure makes it undeniable: Everything we’ve heard about Bill and Hillary Clinton’s sleazy drive to enrich themselves is true. In a...

Clintons benefit from yet another suspicious 'coincidence'

It’s truly amazing how many coincidences follow the Clintons around. And somehow, they always seem to work to Bill and Hillary’s political and/or financial advantage. Consider the latest: The Wall...

Inside Bill Clinton's secret 'executive suite' above library

The top floor of the William J. Clinton Presidential Library and Museum is dominated by a 5,000-square-foot private residence that is strictly off limits to the public. The apartment atop...

The Clintons can't stop humiliating Donna Shalala

Will the Clintons ever stop humiliating poor Donna Shalala? Shalala’s had a long and honorable career, heading Hunter College, Wisconsin-Madison and the University of Miami, plus the Children’s Defense Fund....

The Anti-Defamation League turns anti-Israel, possible hush money from a Clinton ally & other notable comments

From the right: ADL Sides Against Israel The Anti-Defamation League, a century-old Jewish civil-rights organization, has essentially become another J Street — an arm of the Democratic Party’s stable of...

Two shot outside deli frequented by Clintons

A Tuckahoe man shot two men Monday morning outside a Chappaqua deli frequented by Bill and Hillary Clinton, police said. The suspect, Hengjun Chao, 40, opened fire with a shotgun...

Did de Blasio learn his funny-money games at the Clinton's knees?

When it comes to sleazy fund-raising, Mayor de Blasio plainly learned plenty from the Clintons. In May, the mayor spent nearly a whole work-week (38 hours) hitting up donors for...

Trump's Latino key to victory, and other notable commentary

Latino GOPer’s advice: Trump’s Key to Victory Hector Barreto, who headed the Small Business Administration under President George W. Bush, says moderate and conservative Hispanic voters could help push Donald...