taxi medallions

Meter shock: NYers could get hit with 23% taxi fare hike, base fare increase

Rates to ride in a yellow or green taxi cab have been unchanged since September 2012, the year after Uber entered the New York City market and dramatically transformed the...

NYC taxi medallion dynasty faces shareholder revolt over SEC fraud claims

A big shareholder in Medallion Financial are trying to oust the father-son duo at the helm of the company days after the Securities and Exchange Commission accused the firm of...

NYC taxi medallion baron paid for news stories to boost stock price, SEC claims

“Murstein allegedly paid for more than 50 articles and hundreds of positive comments, which were really paid advertisements placed across the web in an effort to deceive investors about the...

Uber exploring dispatching yellow cabs

After all but killing NYC's taxi business, Uber is exploring the possibility of dispatching yellow cabs, according to documents reviewed by The Post.

NYC will cap taxi medallion debts at $170K after driver hunger strike

Under the new agreement, monthly payments will be capped at $1,122 per month -- nearly half what some drivers pay under the existing debt relief program.

NYC labor unions back cabbies' hunger strike for city debt guarantee

The hunger strike began on Oct. 20.

NYC to launch $65 million taxi driver fund using federal COVID-19 relief

New York City will launch a $65 million "relief fund" to help taxi drivers restructure their debt, Mayor Bill de Blasio said Tuesday.

AG Letitia James abandons threat to sue NYC over taxi medallion debt

New York Attorney General Letitia James has abandoned her threat to sue New York City into providing financial relief to taxi drivers burdened by debt from medallions purchased at inflated...

Why everyone isn't hailing a NYC taxi bailout plan

A new plan to bail out New York City’s debt-ridden taxi drivers is getting support from top city and state officials — but critics say the numbers don’t add up,...

NYC cabbies halt Brooklyn Bridge traffic in bid for debt relief

Video posted on Citizen app shows the caravan of yellow cabs stalled out on Manhattan-bound side of the Brooklyn Bridge at around 12:40 p.m.

Taxi drivers block traffic outside City Hall to demand debt relief

New York City cabbies formed a protest caravan of yellow taxis on Thursday, blocking traffic outside City Hall and the offices of three separate medallion lenders to demand immediate debt...

NYC taxi fleet founded in the 1970s files bankruptcy amid coronavirus

A Brooklyn taxi operator who got his first medallion in the 1970s has filed for bankruptcy as the coronavirus ravages an already struggling industry, The Post has learned. Joe Pross,...

Cabbies hail hedge fund after intro meeting on medallion loans

A secretive hedge fund that’s been quickly amassing troubled taxi medallion loans has sat down with an advocacy group seeking to save drivers from drowning in debt and losing their...

Cabbies worry as hedge fund snaps up taxi medallions

New York taxi drivers and politicians are raising alarms after a secretive hedge fund this week quietly became the city’s largest owner of taxi-medallion loans. Marblegate Asset Management — a...

NY AG Letitia James’ $810 million taxi stunt

Nobody expected Uber to show up and decimate the value of a New York City taxi medallion, but state Attorney General Letitia James is basically insisting City Hall should’ve known...

Letitia James preps suit against city over medallion debt crisis

State Attorney General Letitia James plans to sue New York City if it does not fork over $810 million for taxi drivers burdened by debts from medallions purchased at inflated...

AOC joins growing calls for taxi medallion bailout

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has joined the list of NYC elected officials calling for a bailout of the city's debt-ridden taxi medallion owners. Speaking at a House Financial Services committee hearing...

De Blasio nominee won't give specifics on Taxi and Limousine Commission concerns

Meet the new boss -- same as the old boss? Mayor de Blasio's pick to head the city's Taxi and Limousine Commission -- a former deputy of recently-departed chair Meera...

Scathing report accuses taxi medallion brokers of misleading drivers

Taxi medallion brokers preyed on immigrant wannabe owners by failing to be transparent about the terms of their loans — leaving them with crippling amounts of debt, according to a...

Debt collector preyed on desperate cabbies, posed as city marshal: De Blasio

A Staten Island man was busted Tuesday for preying on cash-strapped cabbies by posing as a city marshal to repossess their vehicles, Mayor Bill de Blasio ­announced. Debt collector Anthony...