syed farook

US officials missed terror wife's blatant jihadist social-media posts

Tashfeen Malik, who helped her husband kill 14 people in the San Bernardino massacre, was allowed to enter the United States because officials never checked her social-media posts — which...

They're 'so nice,' until they get religion and want to kill us

‘We see growing efforts by terrorists to poison the minds of people like the Boston Marathon bombers and the San Bernardino killers,” President Obama said while addressing the nation in...

Friend of California jihadists bought guns used in massacre

Enrique Marquez, a friend of California jihadist Syed Rizwan Farook, talked about sleeper cells before the San Bernardino terror attacks — and told cops Farook sought him out for guns...

Terrorist bride might get an un-Islamic burial

The mysterious jihadi bride who helped her husband kill 14 and wound 21 in last week’s terror attack in San Bernardino could get the unceremonious – and un-Islamic - funeral...

Terrorist, pal got cold feet prior to 2012 plot

Years before he met his rifle-toting Pakistani bride, San Bernardino terrorist Syed Rizwan ­Farook plotted jihad with his boyhood next-door neighbor in 2012, it was revealed Wednesday. Farook’s pal, Islam...

Neighbor who bought guns for terrorists is related to them by marriage

The former neighbor who supplied the assault-style weapons to the San Bernardino killers is related to them by marriage and recently told a friend that there were Muslims nearby “ready...

FBI investigates if terror group arranged California killers' marriage

The FBI is investigating whether the online courtship of the future San Bernardino mass murderers was a match made in hell by a terror group -- to set in motion...

Baby orphaned by terrorists at center of custody battle

Suspicion surrounds the family of the jihadist couple who last week massacred 14 people in a terror attack at a Southern California office party -- but there is one family...

Victim awarded Employee of the Year right before terror attack

San Bernardino massacre survivor Julie Swann-Paez was caught in this photo as she accepted an award at the Inland Regional Center just moments before a jihadist couple opened fire and...

Terrorists took out $28K loan before massacre

An online lender gave California terrorist Syed Rizwan Farook a $28,500 loan just two weeks before he and his jihadi wife massacred 14 people, federal law-enforcement sources revealed on Tuesday....

FBI puts California terrorist's dad on watch list

The 66-year-old father of California jihadist Syed Rizwan Farook was placed on the FBI’s terrorist watch list as investigators expanded their probe to include the killer’s family members and friends,...

Terrorists had 'target practice' prior to mass murder: FBI

The husband-and-wife terrorists who slaughtered 14 innocent people in California polished their shooting skills at local gun ranges just days before the attack, officials said Monday. “We do have evidence...

Terrorist's family apologizes to victims of California shooting

Loved ones of terrorist Syed Farook apologized for his evil deeds on Sunday, saying they were in total “disbelief” how he and wife Tashfeen Malik could slaughter 14 innocent people....

They don't look happy to be in America

Even on their first day in America as a couple, killers Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik looked unhappy, a new photo obtained by ABC News reveals. The soon-to-be terrorists...

Almost impossible to stop all terrorism: Homeland Security chair

WASHINGTON — House Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul said Sunday that it’s impossible to stop terrorism in the United States completely, and that the couple responsible for killing 14 people...

Feds raid home of former neighbor to California terrorist

An army of 30 federal agents raided the home of a former next-door neighbor of terrorist Syed Rizwan Farook early Saturday, ripping apart drywall in an apparent search for weapons....

'He married a terrorist': Wife led the charge in California massacre

Terrorist housewife Tashfeen Malik led the charge in last week’s ISIS-inspired attack in California, firing the first shots at a group of government employees gathered around a Christmas tree, according...

New York Muslim group denies connection to California killers

The Queens-based Muslim group associated with an Allah-praising label found pasted on a dresser in the California terror couple’s home says it has nothing to do with Wednesday’s San Bernardino...

What will it take for Obama to admit this is Islamic terrorism?

During his tenure, President Obama occasionally has been inspiring, sometimes perplexing and, more often, infuriating. His recent appearances provoke another reaction. He looks and sounds pathetic, a shrunken figure detached...

Planned Parenthood was 'right wing terror,' but with Islam suddenly 'motives don't matter'

Last month, when a Colorado Christian entered a Planned Parenthood clinic and fatally shot three people, the mainstream media rushed to make the connection to “right-wing domestic terrorism,” even though...