sydney holland

Ex-Sumner Redstone gal pal: Shari listened in on our sex life

Shari Redstone, the controlling shareholder of Viacom and CBS, destroyed her dad’s plans to marry Sydney Holland, the former gal pal claims in a lawsuit filed Thursday. Shari Redstone worked...

'Millionaire Matchmaker' says Redstone loves 'busty brunettes'

No lady was off-limits to insatiable media mogul Sumner Redstone — not even the matchmaker he hired to get him dates. Patti Stanger, founder of “The Millionaire’s Club" and star...

Sumner Redstone once gave $18M to flight attendant: ex gal pal

Sex-starved geezer media mogul Sumner Redstone once gave $18 million to a flight attendant on the CBS corporate jet — then slept with her sister and doled out $6 million...

Redstone lawyers delay deposition for medical reasons

Lawyers for media mogul Sumner Redstone called off Tuesday’s deposition of the billionaire, citing a “strong medical recommendation” from the 93-year-old’s doctor. Redstone had accused two former girlfriends of fleecing...

Ex-Redstone gal pal: Shari to blame for $150M 'fleecing' claims

Sumner Redstone’s claims on Tuesday that he was fleeced out of $150 million by two ex-companions amounts to “fictional revisionist history,” one of the former gal pals claims. Sydney Holland,...

Poor Redstone: My scheming ex-girlfriends robbed me of $150M

Billionaire media mogul Sumner Redstone says two ex-girlfriends teamed up to fleece him of $150 million — receiving nearly daily stacks of cash from the smitten nonagenarian that they used...

Viacom's Sumner Redstone splits with much younger girlfriend

Sumner Redstone, the 92-year-old head of Viacom, has split with his longtime live-in girlfriend, Sydney Holland, 43. The split came after Redstone accused Holland of cheating on him, according to...

The explosive, plotting emails of Sumner Redstone's girlfriend

Sumner Redstone’s longtime live-in girlfriend, Sydney Holland, is hoping to get rich — very rich, according to a slew of explosive emails obtained by The Post. The raven-haired temptress, who...

Sumner Redstone's gal pal 'plotting' what to do when he dies

Sydney Holland, 44, is meeting with lawyers on both coasts in case the 91-year-old's family contests his will when he dies, insiders say.