susan rice

Trump: Rice’s refusal to testify about Russia 'not good'

President Trump on Thursday said former national security adviser Susan Rice’s refusal to testify before Congress on Russian interference in the US election was “not good.��� “Susan Rice, the former...

Rice's alleged political attack shows she had it in for Flynn

During the presidential transition, Obama National Security Adviser Susan Rice boasted publicly she had her replacement Gen. Michael Flynn’s back, but apparently, the whole time she’d been stabbing him in...

Unraveling the Team Obama anti-Trump leak machine

She didn’t “leak,” she only “unmasked.” This is former National Security Adviser Susan Rice’s self-defense for having sought the explicit exposure, in highly classified intelligence documents, of the names of...

Why the media want to bury the Susan Rice 'unmasking' news

The folks at CNN and MSNBC are working overtime to splash cold water all over the startling disclosure that President Barack Obama’s national security adviser, Susan Rice, was behind the...

Susan Rice's media protectors, what Dems learned from the GOP, and other comments

Conservative take: Why Susan Rice’s Role Is a Big Deal Mollie Hemingway at The Federalist suggests it’s no coincidence that ever since Donald Trump’s election, major media outlets have been...

Trump: Susan Rice might have committed a crime

President Trump said Wednesday that former national security adviser Susan Rice may have committed a crime by asking for the names of who were mentioned on intercepted communications and that...

Susan Rice's track record damages her credibility

Before we get to Susan Rice, first things first. Every scandal needs a catchy nickname so we can avoid repeating drawn-out descriptions. One-word nicknames are best, especially for those who...

Susan Rice denies spying on Trump team, defends 'unmasking' requests

Ex-national security adviser Susan Rice on Tuesday called charges that she and other Obama administration officials used intelligence reports to spy on Team Trump for political purposes "absolutely false." In...

GOP senators call for probe into Susan Rice 'unmasking' reports

Two Republican senators on Tuesday called on Congress to investigate whether former National Security Adviser Susan Rice had political motives for “unmasking” Team Trump officials who were inadvertently caught on...

Fresh evidence the Russia 'scandal' is a Team Obama operation

Do you suspect that the noise over Trump campaign contacts with the Russians is just a political hit arranged by Obama insiders before they left? You got fresh evidence of...

Susan Rice tried to 'unmask' Trump associates in intelligence reports

Former President Barack Obama’s national security adviser tried on dozens of occasions to learn the identities of Trump transition officials whose conversations with foreign officials were “incidentally” collected by US...

Susan Rice will not debate United States' decision to bomb Japan

In the wake of President Obama’s announcement that he would become the first sitting president to visit Hiroshima, National Security Adviser Susan Rice declined to say Sunday if America was...

Rice capades

The US-Israeli relationship was in pretty rotten shape back in October, when The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg published a dispatch quoting a “senior Obama administration official” calling Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin...

Susan Rice: Netanyahu visit 'destructive' to US-Israel relationship

WASHINGTON — Cranking up tensions with a key ally, White House National Security Adviser Susan Rice said an upcoming speech that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to deliver...

Hondo stays with A's

Hondo missed with the A’s and his $1 5-horse triple box in the Belmont, but was spared the tri-flush when the Tigers smacked the Sawx to keep the debt in...

How Obama's media strategy unraveled with recovered POW

What happens when the world’s greatest spin doctor commits malpractice — on himself? That is the question that now bedevils Barack Obama after what have been, without a doubt, the...

When a president goes rogue

What Winston Churchill said of Secretary of State John Foster Dulles — that he was a bull who carried his own china shop around with him — is true of...

Benghazi and al Qaeda

House Speaker John Boehner is forming a special select committee on the Benghazi attack that killed four Americans. Boehner’s decision comes on the heels of a newly disclosed e-mail from...

US to Putin: Don't send troops into Ukraine

WASHINGTON — President Obama’s national security adviser warned Russian President Vladimir Putin that it “would be a grave mistake” to send troops into Ukraine. “It’s not in the interests of...