success academy

UFT, Democrat lawmakers move to deny space for charter school kids

The city teachers’ union filed a lawsuit Tuesday to try to block charter schools from sharing public-school sites, while sympathetic Democratic state lawmakers introduced legislation to scrap funding to allow...

Proof that charters benefit ALL public-school kids

A new study from Success Academy shows that charters in District 5 (covering most of Harlem) caused no financial or educational harm, only benefit, to the regular public schools.

How charter schools helped bridge student achievement gaps in NYC nabe

Most Harlem students now attend charter schools and test performance in the neighborhood is on par with the state average.

500 parents, kids rally to lift the charter school cap

Parents and students carried signs that read, "Our kids can’t wait — lift the cap" and "My child — my choice" or  "Put kids first! "NYC needs Charters."

Adams sowing fear over cost of more NYC charter schools, advocate says

The city Office of Management and Budget memo went so far as to call the charter cap lift an "unfunded mandate" from Albany.

64% of NYC parents want state cap lifted to allow more charter schools: poll

There are now 275 charter schools that enroll 142,500 students — but no more can be authorized without raising the cap. Meanwhile, even charter schools that have been approved are...

Parents flunk Mayor Adams for blocking charter schools

Adams and Schools Chancellor David Banks abandoned them, the parents said.

Adams' State of the City sets some fine goals — shame he has to rely on Hochul to help

Mayor Eric Adams was right to focus on some vital issues — “jobs, safety, housing and care” — in Thursday's State of the City address.

Anti-charter parent 'pushback' doomed plan to share school space

Bronx Borough President Vanessa Gibson suggested Tuesday that her hand was forced against the planned Success Academy in Williamsbridge.

Adams wimps out on fight for the good schools his core voters demand

Mayor Eric Adams just turned his back on those he claims to fight for the most — striving New York minorities.

NYC scraps plan to place 3 Success Academy charters in city schools

Schools Chancellor David Banks said the Department of Education nixed the idea to place two new charter schools in Queens and one new charter school in the Bronx after receiving...

Don't let UFT fearmongering strangle good new public schools in the cradle

The United Federation of Teachers is laser-focused on stopping plans to offer more city kids the chance at an excellent public-school education.

A battle over charter co-location reveals how deeply progressives are wrong

Parents want schools that focus on teaching so students can be focused on learning. Academic achievement should be at the our schools' center, not brushed aside as an inconvenience.

Success Academy shows again that public schools can excel

The Post reports over 93% of Success Academy eighth graders passed four state Regents exams, when passing five is the central qualification for a Regents high-school diploma.

Eighth-graders at Success Academy pass majority of Regents

Eighth graders in New York City's largest charter school network passed the majority of their statewide standardized tests with flying colors this year, The Post has learned.

Letters to the Editor — June 23, 2022

New York Post readers sound off on Eric Adams reversing his plan to have NYPD officers patrol the subway solo.

Success Academy to lift student COVID-19 vaccine mandate

New York City's largest charter school network, Success Academy, is doing away with its pandemic protocols for students, The Post has learned.

'Driven by joy': Charter school founder's kid is off to the Ivy League

Hannah Grannis, the daughter of Eva Moskowitz — who founded New York City's Success Academy charter schools — is headed to the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School after founding a peer-to-peer tutor...

Secret of my Success: How this high school freshman got a spot on elite soccer program

It took a journey from the Bronx to Barcelona for 14-year-old soccer prodigy Yacouba Bamba to realize that he had the right stuff.

Bloomberg invests $200M in NYC's high-profile charter school networks

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced he's donating $100 million each to charter school networks Harlem Children’s Zone and Success Academy.