state of the city

State of the City shows Mayor Adams is big on ideas, short on action

Mayor Eric Adams' State of the City address was big on ideas but he couldn't hide his failure to produce big results since taking office.

Eric Adams touts ‘real results’ on crime, migrant crisis and calls for e-bike regulation in State of the City address

Mayor Eric Adams touted "real progress" since last year on tackling crime and the migrant crisis during his State of the City address Wednesday.

NYC Mayor Eric Adams to push plan for public sites across Big Apple for affordable housing projects

Mayor Eric Adams is set to use his State of the City address Wednesday to unveil a new push to use up a slew of city-owned properties for affordable housing...

Adams has fine ideas for NYC but risks losing focus on issue #1: crime

Many of the small-bore initiatives Mayor Eric Adams unveiled at his State of the City address are worthy enough, but he risks losing focus on what brought him to the...

Eric Adams' 'State of the City': Key takeaways from his 2023 NYC vision

Mayor Eric Adams laid out his vision for the Big Apple during his second "State of the City" speech Thursday -- calling it a "working people's agenda" for the future.

Adams to unveil plan targeting 'extreme, violent recidivists' at State of the City address

"If you don't invest in them and you don't fund them properly, you're not going to allow those reforms to actually succeed."

Corey Johnson releases plan to fight climate change in NYC

City Council Speaker Corey Johnson unveiled his plan for creating more environmentally friendly Big Apple on Thursday, laying proposals to invest in green infrastructure, mandate textile recycling, increase bike parking...

Save our city, Mr. Mayor? Yes — from you

Mayor Bill de Blasio’s State of the City Address on Thursday centered on his blueprint to “save our city.” Huh? This is how he kicks off his seventh year in...

De Blasio's ridiculous attempt to save New Yorkers from ... SantaCon

On Thursday, Mayor Bill de Blasio gave his Eric Adams speech. Two weeks ago, Adams, the Brooklyn Beep and likely mayoral candidate, said newcomers should “go back to Ohio, go...

De Blasio: There’s plenty of money in NYC — it’s just in the wrong hands

He’s Mayor Robin Hood. Burnishing his progressive credentials, Mayor Bill de Blasio portrayed himself as a protector of the working class on Thursday — while proposing a redistribution of wealth...

Bill de Blasio is Gotham's Man of Steal

Bill de Blasio has made a career of sticking his paw in New Yorkers’ pockets. Now he’s planning another national tour, and he’s digging deeper than ever. Love him or...

De Blasio's State of the City speech was for the out-of-towners

With three years left on the job, Mayor Bill de Blasio is desperately focused on appealing to . . . out-of-towners. On Thursday, he even hijacked his own annual State of the...

De Blasio at State of the City: Our mission is to boost democracy

Mayor de Blasio ditched the nuts-and-bolts of city governance during his State of the City speech on Tuesday, focusing instead on lofty rhetoric about preserving democracy and creating the fairest...

Protesters let de Blasio hear it about NYCHA at State of the City

It may have been in Brooklyn, but Mayor Bill de Blasio got a Bronx cheer from protesters holding "NYCHA is Freezing" signs as he walked into a theater Tuesday to...

Why no council speaker should give a 'state of the city' speech

City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito delivered her fourth and final State of the City Address on Thursday. Let’s hope it’s the last ever. This lame tradition of council speakers giving...

The call for free birth control in NYC is happening

City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito wants to deliver free birth control to all women in the Big Apple. Mark-Viverito is expected to announce her plan during her third State of...

The worst thing about de Blasio's State of the City was de Blasio

Monday night, New York’s mayor was a halting afterthought at his own annual State of the City Address — the final such speech before Bill de Blasio’s re-election race. De...

De Blasio targets 'affordability crisis' in State of the City address

Mayor de Blasio returned to campaign fighting form on Monday - making tackling the city’s “affordability crisis" the center-piece of his annual State of the City speech while criticizing his...

City Council speaker wants to shut down Rikers Island

City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito went to the mat for criminal defendants on Thursday — calling for sweeping reforms that would hike the age of adult responsibility to 18 and...

City Council plans to wipe out 700,000 warrants

Scofflaws who’ve ignored tickets for boozing in public, urinating in the streets and other quality-of-life offenses have no reason to behave now: City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito is announcing legislation...