
If you don't agree with majority, you are 'extreme': White House's Jean-Pierre

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre claimed Thursday that President Biden’s primetime address on “the battle for the soul of the nation” is “not a political speech” — before releasing excerpts.

Trump was hesitant to give speech after Capitol riot, Jan. 6 panel reveals

Former President Donald Trump was reluctant to address the nation after the Jan. 6 Capitol riot and heavily edited the remarks, omitting lines that would have called on the DOJ...

Biden’s ‘reckless’ gaffes undermine US, ex-Obama official says

Brett Bruen, who served as Obama’s director of global engagement from 2013 to 2015, wrote in a Tuesday op-ed for USA Today that he used to “cringe” whenever Biden took...

Fauci rips into Trump, GOP during commencement speech at NYC college

Dr. Anthony Fauci took a barely veiled swipe at former President Donald Trump and Republicans while speaking to more than 3,700 graduates of the City College of New York Friday.

Biden says US won't try to oust Putin months after saying he had to go

Biden initially called for Putin's ouster during a speech in Warsaw on March 26 — and was reportedly outraged when his aides rushed to disavow the remark.

Biden bungles South Korean president's name

Biden quickly corrected himself after addressing President Yoon Suk-yeol as "Moon," an apparent reference to former Korean President Moon Jae-in.

Hillary Clinton reveals part of victory speech she planned to give in 2016

Hillary Clinton is pulling back the curtain five years after losing the 2016 presidential election, revealing for the first time what she planned to tell the country had she defeated...

Brett Favre pressured to return $800K connected to massive welfare scheme

State Auditor Shad White said Tuesday that Favre, 52, had not fulfilled his promise to repay $1.1 million in welfare money after making an initial payment of $500,000 last May.

#Bidencough spurs health questions as Joe hacks way through latest speech

President Biden's coughing and throat clearing was questioned during a White House briefing Thursday after he paused several times during a speech on tax hikes.

Here are some of the weirdest moments from Gov. Cuomo's farewell speech

Gov. Andrew Cuomo used his farewell speech on Monday to deny, complain, boast and take a parting shot at his longtime political nemesis, Mayor Bill de Blasio.

NYC prosecutors want to interview trooper about Cuomo's 'potential sex crimes'

Manhattan prosecutors are investigating Gov. Andrew Cuomo for "potential sex crimes" and want to interview the state trooper who told investigators about the governor'ss "unwelcome touching", according to a letter...

Cuomo calls pandemic 'tremendous personal benefit' after $5.1M book deal

Gov. Andrew Cuomo publicly patted himself on the back for his handling of COVID-19 -- amid ongoing probes into New York's nursing home deaths and his $5.1 million book deal...

NJ valedictorian's mic cut after speaking about his sexuality: report

Bryce Dershem, the valedictorian at Eastern Regional High School, claimed school officials cut the mic on his speech when speaking about his LGBTQ identity and feeling alone.

Is no one going to mention how confusing and out of it Biden was?

President Biden’s topic was one of utmost importance Wednesday — crime and gun violence. But you wouldn’t know it from the way he spoke.

NYC shrink says fantasy of 'unloading revolver into the head of any white person' was deliberate 'provocation'

A New York City-based psychiatrist who shared her violent fantasy of shooting white people in the head during an Ivy Leave lecture claims her shocking words were taken out of...

Biden to class of 2021: You are at a 'turning point' to end 'systemic racism'

President Joe Biden says systemic racism is "the greatest crisis of our time" in a video address to Class of 2021 high school graduates.

Doc gets dunked: NYC shrink who talked about shooting white people slammed online

Dr. Aruna Khilanani was targeted across the internet, from health rating websites to Twitter and TikTok, for her April 6 race-hating comments at Yale.

Biden’s divisive and false Tulsa speech

President Joe Biden had a chance to be a unifier while addressing the nation on the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa Massacre. David Marcus writes Biden failed with his speech.

'Looks like she's 19': Uproar after Biden's remarks about girl at Virginia military base

President Biden made the comments about the young girl while speaking in Virginia on Friday. He was promptly called out for his words on social media.

'You are a really dull class': Biden chides Coast Guard grads as jokes fall flat

President Joe Biden attempted to earn laughs at the expense of the US Navy, but when the cadets didn't respond, he turned on them.