
Half of men feel pressured to act manly

A survey of 2,000 men, half of whom are sexually active, found that 50% feel under pressure to perform masculinity and 8 in 10 agree that there is a societal...

The Sacklers try a comeback: Despised family behind opioids crisis hits society parties

A Sackler family member showed up at a Hamptons benefit while another moved into Florida country club; high society remains unimpressed.

Poet Rose Styron had a charmed life full of A-list parties and hijinks

Rose Styron's new memoir chronicles her star-studded exploits with her novelist husband, Bill Styron. 

You spend a surprising amount of your day working, sleeping — and masturbating

Spend more time toiling away at your job than you do relaxing? Turns out you're in the minority.

Top AI experts warn about 'risk of extinction' in latest evidence 'Terminator' is playing out in real life

OpenAI's Sam Altman and the "Godfather of AI" Geoffrey Hinton were among the statement's backers.

Veteran Palm Beach residents fume as new neighbors take over tony island

Among the northerners' other crimes: nanny poaching, "contretemps over parking spaces" and a lack of respect for the rule that "big cars and good jewelry should stay home during the...

First cousins were encouraged to marry in ancient Greece: study

Over half the occupants of Minoan Crete married their cousins, while a third of villagers on the mainland did the same.

Inside the murder that scandalized NYC—and led to Truman Capote’s downfall

In 1975, Truman Capote regurgitated the rumors that socialite Ann Woodward had murdered her husband. His story, excerpted from his “fictionalized” book “Answered Prayers,” was so venomous, Ann took her...

'Naked hermit' who lived alone for 29 years says farewell to remote island

A Japanese castaway who spent nearly three decades living alone on a remote island before being forced back to civilization has returned to his former home to say “farewell,” heartwarming...

'A constant celebration': Inside Mortimer's, NYC's most exclusive celeb and society club

Before the foodie revolution afflicted New York’s dining scene, you could judge a restaurant by the caliber of its patrons, not its chef. Mortimer's on the Upper East Side had...

Why facing death, rather than fearing it, will lead to a better life

Our society yearns for total safety, which means conquering death. But the ability to face it, rather than fear it, will actually lead to a better life.

Cancel culture is creating a Soviet-style society of liars

The public policy scholar Joseph Overton stated that an idea must fall within a certain range of acceptability to be politically viable. The Overton Window, as this concept has come...

One thing America needs is a lot less politics

The day before Election Day, Reuters ran a story about the personal toll politics has taken on some peoples’ lives. Mayra Gomez told her 21-year-old son she’d be voting for...

Why millennials' distaste for Baby Boomers is justified

Think millennials are whiny and depressed? A new book argues they have every reason to be

For our health and economic survival, we need to get outside

How do we move forward from this long, miserable ­period of lockdown? Change is hard, even from a difficult situation like quarantine. We become established in our routines and ideas;...

Here's a blueprint for safely reopening NYC in the age of coronavirus

On Friday, parts of New York state began reopening. Yet aside from establishing a series of city task forces, Mayor Bill de Blasio has yet to lay out a clear...

How Gen Z can fix the dystopian world that Zuckerberg created

Mark Zuckerberg often says he created Facebook as a way to connect people and foster relationships. Rarely does he mention his predecessor website, FaceMash, which let users vote on the...

Miami shuns Sackler family: 'We don't want you here'

She may have left Manhattan after scandal hit her family name, but life goes on for Joss Sackler as the controversial fashion designer attempts to forge a new life in...

As institutions collapse, Americans need to renew faith in each other

The most important story of our soon-to-end decade is a ­radical decline in trust in once-trusted institutions in the United States — a social trend half a century in the...

How America is reverting back to the feudal age

America’s birth represented a dramatic break from the past. Save for a few vestiges of the old European feudal order, mostly in the plantation economy of the Deep South, there...