sheldon silver

To see red, just look at Silver still walking free

If you were looking to see red, the photo on Page 7 of Wednesday’s Post should’ve done the job. There was Sheldon Silver, still a free man and wandering about...

Corrupt ex-pol Sheldon Silver still freely roams NYC after conviction

There’s still no cell for Shel. Some 474 days after former state Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver was convicted — for the second time — of peddling his office’s influence in...

Corrupt politicians could be forced to return campaign donations

Politicians convicted of felonies would be required to return all campaign donations under legislation finally moving through the state Senate. The corrupt felons would have two years upon conviction to...

Sheldon Silver gets to stay out of jail as judges consider his conviction

Twice-convicted former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver will stay out of jail while a three-judge panel mulls whether to throw out his most recent conviction for taking $4 million in bribes....

Sheldon Silver could get third trial as panel reviews conviction

A three-judge appeals panel took a hard, and unusually long look Wednesday at ex-Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver’s appeal of his second conviction over $4 million in bribes -- leaving open...

'What if he left a bag of money?' Judges struggle to define bribery

Sheldon’s Silver’s efforts to stay out of prison have made it abundantly clear that no one, not even judges, knows what constitutes bribery anymore — thanks to the US Supreme...

Another insane delay in justice for Shelly Silver

Bad enough that disgraced ex-Speaker Shelly Silver got yet another reprieve from heading to prison. Worse, the ruling suggests he has a real chance of getting his conviction tossed again....

Sheldon Silver gets to stay out of prison for a few more months

Convicted ex-Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver will remain a free man until at least December — thanks to a panel of appeals court judges who said he deserves a second shot...

Sheldon Silver gets to stay out of jail for a bit longer

New York state's disgraced former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver just got another get-out-of-jail-free card — thanks to a new appeals court ruling. In the latest twist in Silver's ongoing prison...

Sheldon Silver is going straight to jail

It'll be "Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200" for Sheldon Silver, as a judge told the convicted former Assembly speaker he's going straight to jail next month. Manhattan...

Bernie Kerik on what Sheldon Silver can expect in prison

"Life will be finished. Prison is death with your eyes open," Kerik said.

Sheldon Silver spends last moments of freedom at synagogue

Sheldon Silver enjoyed his last moments of freedom on the Lower East Side on Saturday morning, a day after the disgraced ex-Assembly speaker was sentenced to seven years in prison...

Sheldon Silver gets to remain free — for now

Sheldon Silver got a nice, five-year discount at his corruption resentencing on Friday when a federal judge ordered he spend just seven years in prison for bribe-taking — but the...

Too much mercy for Sheldon Silver

Sheldon Silver caught yet another huge break Friday: The federal judge who’d previously sentenced him to 12 years in prison for corruption instead opted to set his new term at...

Sheldon Silver sentenced to 7 years in prison for corruption

Sheldon Silver, the disgraced ex-speaker of the New York state Assembly, was sentenced to seven years in prison — less than the 12 years he was sentenced to previously. The...

Silver hopes to keep some kickback money, stay out of jail

When Sheldon Silver is sentenced Friday, he will ask to keep some of the $4 million in kickbacks he has been found guilty of pocketing — while also begging for his...

Throw the book at Sheldon Silver

Sheldon Silver faces the music Friday for the second time to answer for his unbridled greed and corruption, but the former Albany kingpin’s lawyers think he still has a role...

Sheldon Silver doesn't want to die in prison

​Convicted former state Assembly ​Speaker ​Sheldon Silver is begging a federal judge for "mercy" -- saying he hopes he doesn't die in prison when he is sentenced ​later ​this week....

Cuomo distances himself from disgraced pal after conviction

Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who once called Alain Kaloyeros a genius and "New York's secret weapon," acted Friday like he barely knew the guy he entrusted with the corruption-ridden "Buffalo Billion"...

Silver looks to go another round with feds over corruption case

Disgraced politician Sheldon Silver is itching to go a third round in his corruption battle with the feds. The ex-speaker of the New York state Assembly filed a memo Friday...