sex education

How Judy Blume broke rules, offended parents, took on Pat Buchanan and shut down Twitter mobs

A new book celebrates the beloved author's impact on a generation of young readers.

Larry Nassar survivor supports sex abuse awareness training for elementary kids

Sarah Klein first encountered Nassar when she was eight at a gymnastics class in Michigan.

I quit my boring 9-to-5 to become a professional sex toy tester

For this New Yorker, business is pleasure.

50 shades of gray hair: Baby boomers use BDSM to spice up bedroom

Baby boomers are experimenting with "Fifty Shades of Grey" — and not just their hair color.

NYC kindergarten students learning about penises, vulvas through city's HIV/AIDS curriculum

New York City public school students are learning the ABCs of HIV as early as kindergarten, including through a book that identifies vulvas and penises, The Post has learned.

Bondage class teaching 'safe rope tying' and 'handcuff skills' nixed at Indiana college over parental backlash

An Indiana college was forced to axe a student class on bondage techniques after astonished parents objected to the sexually-explicit seminar en masse.

Texas mom booted from school district sex-ed panel after prostitution convictions, escort work exposed by parents

Ashley Ketcherside advertised scantily-clad images of herself online as "true girl next door" Lola Brea while serving on the sex-ed panel.

Ex-porn star opens up about her favorite kind of scenes

It is one of the most popular categories on pornographic sites – now a former adult star has revealed why she loved playing a “MILF."

Burlesque dancer idolized pole dancers over Disney princesses

Throughout her childhood, Fancy Feast dreamed of being a pole dancer. “It just seemed like a more fun, interesting, and expansive way to live one’s life."

The truth about masturbation nobody wants to hear

Despite sex positivity movements and increased education about sex, masturbation is still a divisive topic – and one that leaves a trail of misinformation in its wake. 

Gavin Newsom vetoes bill that would require free condoms to be handed out at public high schools

The legislation, introduced by State Sen. Caroline Menjivar, aims to prevent and reduce unintended teen pregnancies and the spread of sexually transmitted infections among high school students.

Fans of Netflix's 'Sex Education' will recognize this home that's now for sale

On screen, this home is in fictional Moordale -- but in reality, it's in the English village of Symonds Yat and thoroughly renovated for a new set of owners.

'Sex Education' Season 4 is a worthy swan song finale: review

The Netflix hit "Sex Education" has come to an end. Ever since it first premiered in 2019, the raunchy teen comedy series has been a star-maker for its young cast:...

Series of school arsons linked to unrest over sex education program, Belgian officials believe

Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo said on Friday that he will seek the help of government experts on extremism in the wake of a series of school arsons.

This couple tried to conceive for years — turns out they were having sex all wrong

A couple's misguided attempt at family planning makes a strong case for adding sex education to the curriculum.

'Welcome to Sex' children's book causes chaos on retailers' shelves

Dr. Melissa Kang and Yumi Stynes’ $16 book, released in May, has angered some parents so intensely, they have threatened to boycott the department stores until its removed from sale.

Sex educator Sue Johanson, host of 'Talk Sex,' dead at 93

The sexpert opened a first-of-its-kind birth control clinic in Toronto in 1970.

Teacher on leave for discussing sex toys, the role of the prostate in sexual pleasure to class

A California high school teacher has landed in hot water after she was caught on video telling students about sex toys and the role of the prostate in sexual pleasure.

Parents outraged over sexually explicit language used during tenth-grade health lesson on porn

"I think it would make a lot of grown-ups blush," Oregon Moms Union co-founder MacKensey Pulliam told Fox.

Sex education is now how-to in schools —parents, beware

Sex ed in middle school now includes graphic lessons on anal sex, oral sex and masturbation, with stick figures to illustrate body positions.