senate intelligence committee

Kushner says first meeting with Senate intel panel went swell

After meeting with Senate staffers behind closed doors Monday, Jared Kushner made a rare public statement in which he said he has been "totally transparent" and had answered every question....

Kushner, Trump Jr. and Manafort to testify next week

Jared Kushner will testify privately before the Senate Intelligence Committee this Monday, it was reported Wednesday. The White House senior advisor will appear before Congress in a closed-door session as...

Senate Intelligence Committee wants Trump Jr. to testify

The Senate Intelligence Committee plans to seek Donald Trump Jr.’s testimony and is requesting documents from him, Reuters reported Tuesday. The development comes just hours after Trump Jr. released an...

Senate wants to interview Trump's bodyguard in Russia probe

Congressional investigators want to interview President Trump's longtime bodyguard who personally delivered the letter firing former FBI Director James Comey to the agency as part their probe into Russian interference...

Trump, Obama both to blame for Russia hacking: diplomat

American elections are more vulnerable to future cyberattacks by Russia because both Presdient Trump and former President Barack Obama failed to properly respond to Moscow’s meddling in 2016, says a...

Intel officials say Trump wanted them to deny Russia collusion claims

Two top intelligence officials told investigators with Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the Senate that President Trump suggested they publicly shoot down claims that his campaign colluded with the Russians...

When it comes to canning Mueller, Trump should hold his fire

An Oscar Wilde line comes to mind: “I can resist everything except temptation,” said the famed playwright and novelist. Let’s hope President Trump is made of sturdier stuff and can...

Trump made a mistake naming Sessions as attorney general

Watching Attorney General Jeff Sessions try to bat away Democrats’ smears and innuendo Tuesday, I had two reactions: One, he’s been an honorable public servant who deserves better than an...

Tom Cotton slams probe of Sessions, Russia as 'spy fiction'

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) comically mocked the allegations that Attorney General Jeff Sessions collluded with the Russians during a campaign event at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington during a campaign...

Sessions: I wasn't aware of meetings between Kushner, Russian ambassador

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Tuesday that he was not aware of any meetings President Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner may have had with the Russian ambassador during a campaign event...

Sessions won't talk about conversations with Trump

Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Tuesday declined to answer questions about his conversations with President Trump - citing Justice Department policy. "I'm not able to comment on conversations with high...

Sessions says he never gave misleading testimony during confirmation hearing

Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Tuesday disputed allegations that he gave misleading testimony during his confirmation hearing when he told Sen. Al Franken that he’d never met with Russian officials....

Sessions defends himself against 'false attacks'

Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Tuesday vigorously defended himself and his reputation before the Senate Intelligence Committee, slamming "false attacks," "leaks" and "innuendos." "At all times throughout the course of...

Jeff Sessions denies collusion during at-times-heated Senate testimony

A defiant Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Tuesday slammed the suggestion that he colluded with Russians as “an appalling and detestable lie” — but said questions about his conversations with...

Sessions plans to deny meeting Russia ambassador at Trump event

Jeff Session plans to duke it out with his former Senate colleagues Tuesday afternoon — denying that he met with Russia’s ambassador at a Washington, DC, hotel, according to a...

Jeff Sessions wants his testimony to be open to the public

WASHINGTON - Attorney General Jeff Sessions has agreed to answer questions about Russia in public, rather than behind closed doors. The Senate Intelligence Committee announced Sessions will testify in open...

Bharara: There's 'absolutely evidence' to start obstruction case against Trump

Former Manhattan US Attorney Preet Bharara said on Sunday that "absolutely evidence" exists to launch an obstruction of justice case against President Trump. "I think there's absolutely evidence to begin...

Jeff Sessions agrees to testify before Senate intel panel

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has agreed to appear before the Senate intelligence committee as it investigates alleged Russian meddling in the presidential election. In a letter Saturday to Sen. Richard...

More than 19M people tuned in to watch Comey testify

LOS ANGELES — An estimated 19.5 million viewers watched James Comey's widely televised U.S. Senate testimony. Nielsen figures released Friday tallied the audience for the fired FBI director's appearance across...

Trump: I'm '100 percent willing' to testify under oath

A defiant President Trump on Friday accused ousted FBI chief James Comey of lying under oath — declaring that he never asked him for a pledge of loyalty or to...