senate intelligence committee

Senate has found 'no direct evidence' Trump colluded with Russia: report

As it begins to wrap up its investigation, the Senate Intelligence Committee has not found "any direct evidence" that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians during the 2016 presidential...

Michael Cohen subpoenaed to testify before Senate panel

The Senate Intelligence Committee has subpoenaed Michael Cohen, President Trump’s former lawyer, to appear before the panel next month, Cohen attorney Lanny Davis said Thursday. Cohen has expressed the same...

Russian trolls tried to discourage black voters to get Trump elected

WASHINGTON — Russia’s sweeping political disinformation campaign on US social media was more far-reaching than originally thought, with troll farms working to discourage black voters and “blur the lines between...

Social media companies beware: Washington is watching you

Social media may be too new to know this, but you need to tread lightly when Washington, DC, is looking. While President Trump has expanded his vocabulary to include “fake...

Cohen told Congress he doesn't know if Donald knew about Trump Tower meeting

Michael Cohen told Congress that he had no idea whether President Trump knew ahead of time about the 2016 Trump Tower meeting that included Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian...

Senate panel backs intel assessment that Russia favored Trump in 2016 election

The Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday upheld the assessment by US intelligence agencies that Russia favored President Trump in the 2016 election. “The Committee has spent the last 16 months...

Ex-Senate staffer charged with lying to feds wants to bar Trump from talking about case

WASHINGTON — Lawyers for a former Senate staffer accused of lying to the FBI during a leaks investigation say they plan to ask a judge to bar President Donald Trump...

The illegal campaign to feed 'collusion' hysteria

A top staffer on the “nonpartisan” Senate Intelligence Committee has apparently been selectively leaking to feed the anti-Trump “collusion” story: That’s the main takeaway in the case of James Wolfe....

Ex-Senate Intel staffer charged with lying to feds about reporter contacts

A former Senate Intelligence Committee staffer has been indicted on charges of lying to the FBI about his contacts with reporters, the Justice Department announced Thursday night — as it...

GOP-led Senate panel finds Russia meddled in US election

A GOP-led Senate committee said it backs the conclusion of the US intelligence community that Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential election to boost Donald Trump — a stand at...

Senate Intel panel backs Gina Haspel for CIA director

WASHINGTON – Gina Haspel moved one step closer to becoming the first female director of the Central Intelligence Agency on Wednesday. The Senate Intelligence Committee gave her a favorable 10-5...

Ex-Trump aide to Senate intel panel: 'God damn you to hell'

Michael Caputo, a former communications adviser to President Trump’s campaign, didn’t mince words when testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday. “God damn you to hell,” Caputo said at...

Susan Collins wants Democrats to testify on Trump dossier

Congressional investigators are demanding answers following revelations that Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee help​ed​ fund a 2016 dossier containing information damaging to President Trump. Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine)...

Russian lawyer reportedly met with Kremlin official before Trump Jr. sitdown

The Russian lawyer who set up a meeting with Donald Trump Jr. at Trump Tower to dish dirt on Hillary Clinton discussed her talking points with one of the Kremlin’s...

Trump wants Senate to probe 'fake news networks'

President Trump questioned early Thursday why the Senate Intelligence Committee, which is probing Russian interference in the presidential election, wasn’t also targeting “Fake News Networks." "Why Isn't the Senate Intel...

Senate intel committee still looking into Russia

WASHINGTON –The Senate Intelligence Committee is still investigating possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia in the 2016 presidential election, according to the GOP leader of the panel. “The...

Twitter uncovered more than 200 Russia-linked bots

WASHINGTON – Twitter told congressional investigators Thursday that it found more than 200 Russia-linked accounts during its review of malicious bots and misinformation during the 2016 president campaign. The social...

Facebook will turn over Russian-linked election ads to Congress

Facebook has cut a deal with lawmakers to hand over ads bought by Russians to sway the 2016 campaign, and the social media site’s co-founder vowed Thursday to beef up...

Senate panel cancels interview with Trump's loose-lipped lawyer

The Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday abruptly canceled an interview with Michael Cohen, President Trump’s confidant and ex-lawyer, after he blabbed to the media prior to his testimony in violation...

Trump Jr. claims he only met with Russians to determine Clinton's 'fitness' for office

Donald Trump Jr. told Senate investigators on Thursday that he took a June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower with a Russian lawyer who promised to dish dirt on Hillary Clinton...