sarah huckabee sanders

Major clue could hint at Sarah Huckabee Sanders' next move

Sarah Huckabee Sanders may be following in her father's footsteps — with a run for governor of Arkansas, according to a report on Wednesday. The outgoing White House press secretary...

The media hypocrites get their last kicks at Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Sarah Sanders had it coming. If she wanted the respect of the Washington press corps and a fat corporate job after leaving the White House, she should have worked for...

Trump says he hasn't decided who will replace Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Don’t plan on seeing The Mooch behind the White House press room lectern anytime soon. President Trump on Friday said he has not decided who will replace Sarah Huckabee Sanders...

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is out as White House press secretary: Trump

White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders is leaving the Trump administration, the president announced Thursday. “After 3 1/2 years, our wonderful Sarah Huckabee Sanders will be leaving the White House...

White House calls Biden's planned remarks on Trump 'laughable'

The White House on Tuesday dismissed as "laughable" Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden's expected remarks in a speech in Iowa labeling President Trump an "existential threat to America." “The idea...

White House says Trump, North Korea agree Biden is 'low IQ'

President Trump and North Korea's Kim Jong Un don't always see eye-to-eye but they both agree that Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden is a "fool of low IQ," said White...

Huckabee Sanders: Nadler is 'incapable' of questioning Barr

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders slammed House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler on Thursday, saying he has “lost confidence in himself and his capability to do his job”...

Huckabee Sanders joined Donald Trump at rally in Green Bay

Sarah Huckabee Sanders may have skipped Saturday’s White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner, but the event was still on her mind. Speaking at a Trump rally in Green Bay, Wis., the...

Huckabee Sanders insists it was just a 'slip of the tongue' as she's grilled on exposed lie

White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Friday tried to defend her false assertion to the media that President Trump dumped top G-man James Comey after “countless” FBI agents had...

Sarah Huckabee Sanders explains her lie exposed in Mueller report

White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Thursday night explained her false assertion to the media that President Trump dumped top G-man James Comey after “countless” FBI agents had lost...

The key players of the Mueller report

Reince Priebus When Attorney General Jeff Sessions tried to resign on May 18, 2017, Trump convinced him not to, but held on to Sessions’ resignation letter — prompting then-White House...

Huckabee Sanders admitted she misled public about Comey firing

White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders admitted to the special counsel’s investigators that she misled the media about why President Trump canned top G-man James Comey. “The president’s draft termination...

Huckabee Sanders blames Democrats for Trump's sanctuary cities threat

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders blamed Democrats for President Trump's threat to release illegal immigrants in sanctuary cities and defended the proposal by saying it would ease the...

Huckabee Sanders: Congress isn't smart enough to go through Trump's tax returns

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders claimed President Trump's tax returns might be too taxing for members of Congress. "Frankly I don’t think Congress - particularly not this group...

Huckabee Sanders slams ObamaCare, accuses Democrats of obstruction

President Trump’s spokeswoman on Tuesday ripped ObamaCare and congressional Democrats for not supporting the president’s agenda and for demanding the release of the special counsel’s full report on Russia. “We...

Late-night hosts tease White House over Post's 'Mueller Madness' bracket

The Post’s “Mueller Madness” bracket was a hit at the White House — and on late-night TV, where hosts scored laughs by mocking Sarah Huckabee Sanders. President Trump’s spokeswoman tweeted...

Huckabee Sanders: Mueller probe accusations 'equal to treason'

White House spokesman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Monday that media figures and Democrats who accused President Trump of working with Russia were guilty of treason — and could face the...

Huckabee Sanders: Trump doesn't have 'any problem' releasing Mueller report

White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Monday that President Trump doesn’t have “any problem” with special counsel Robert Mueller’s full report being released — but stressed that the decision...

How Trump could have the most progressive administration yet

President Trump has seven women currently serving as senior White House advisers -- more than any of his three predecessors. At the same time in their presidencies, Barack Obama had...