ruben wills

Dirty pol Ruben Wills set to sue over jail treatment

Disgraced former City Councilman Ruben Wills claims he was mistreated while in custody at city jails and is in the process of suing, according to a report Thursday night. The...

Corrupt councilman cries like a baby after he's sent to prison

​Disgraced​ former​ ​Queens city councilman Ruben Wills cried like a baby as he was sentenced to two to six years in prison Thursday for looting public coffers​, pleading for leniency...

Councilman found guilty of five counts in corruption trial

Queens City Councilman Ruben Wills is guilty of five of the six counts against him in his corruption trial, a jury found Thursday night — including the top two felony...

Councilman throws tantrum during corruption trial

Queens Councilman Ruben Wills flew into a rage in court Monday -- slamming his fists on the table and yelling at the top of his lungs -- as a judge...

Councilman misspent $21K of tax money meant for charity: auditor

Queens Councilman Ruben Wills misspent nearly two-thirds of the tax money awarded to him for a nonprofit, a state investigator testified Wednesday at Wills’ corruption trial. Joe Morrissey, an auditor...

Endorsing the indicted: Queens politics as usual

City Councilman Ruben Wills is on trial for corruption, and the Queens Democratic Party has endorsed him for re-election. Way to show you care about your image, guys. Charged with...

Ruben Wills' goddaughter deals smoking gun in larceny case

The goddaughter of ​indicted Councilman Ruben Wills delivered a smoking gun for prosecutors on Tuesday, testifying she did campaign work for ​the Queens pol while being improperly paid by his...

Disgraced councilman laughs off fraud allegations in court

Queens Councilman Ruben Wills literally laughed off allegations that he defrauded the city and state out of $30,000 at the start of his closely watched corruption trial on Wednesday. The...

Trio of corrupt pols may testify against disgraced councilman

There’s a potential rogues’ gallery of witnesses being lined up for this Queens councilman’s trial. A trio of corrupt politicians may take the stand against disgraced Councilman Ruben Wills when...

Judge threatens to arrest councilman if he skips court date

A Queens judge has an arrest warrant at the ready for indicted City Councilman Ruben Wills if he fails to show up in court Thursday. That’s because Wills was a...

Judge threatens to jail councilman after he shows up late for court

An irate judge threatened to jail a Queens councilman Tuesday after the embattled politician arrived 26 minutes late to his court appearance. Ruben Wills, who is headed to trial on...

Councilman facing theft charges sponsors bill allowing inmates absentee ballots

A legislator facing charges for allegedly stealing money from a nonprofit sponsored a bill that passed the City Council Thursday requiring the jail system to provide absentee-voting ballots to inmates...

Queens principal greets visitors with checks from disgraced pol

JHS 226 Virgil I. Grissom in Queens is named after a fallen astronaut, but judging by the school lobby, one might think it honors a disgraced politician. City Councilman Ruben...

Queens councilman implicated by pal in pass-through scheme

A pal of Councilman Ruben Wills implicated the Queens politician in court Thursday in a scheme to steal thousands of taxpayer dollars by ordering him to deposit and withdraw funds...

City has done nothing to remove sex offenders living near school zone

A Queens councilman who used tape measures to prove sex offenders were living too close to a school in his district said the men are still flocking to the shelter...

Lawmaker uses measuring tape to prove sex fiends are too close to school

The war against city sex offenders is being fought with tape measures. A Queens councilman drove a rabble of creeps from a local homeless shelter by hiring a contractor to...

City Councilman Ruben Wills arrested again

City Councilman Ruben Wills ​was arrested Tuesday ​on charges he filed false documents with the Conflicts of Interest Board between 2011 and 2013, authorities said. The ​embattled ​Queens Democrat, who...

Wills accuses AG of bias over use of image in campaign ad

State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is being accused of unfairly smearing an indicted Queens lawmaker by ­including him in a TV campaign ad, The Post has learned. City Councilman Ruben...

Indicted city councilman introduces prisoner voting-rights bill

A Queens lawmaker who faces jail time if he’s convicted on charges of stealing $30,000 in public funds is introducing a bill Thursday requiring the city to inform prison inmates...

Wills charges Schneiderman tried race-baiting in 2010 primary

State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman tried to play the race card in his 2010 primary battle against Nassau DA Kathleen Rice, drafting a fellow Dem to do his dirty work,...