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Criticizing Hillary's age and pantsuits doesn't make me sexist

You’ve been warned, Hillary haters. We’re all misogynists now. I went to bed thinking I was a true feminist, one who believes in equal pay for equal work for guys...

Cops: De Blasio to blame for homeless encampment

A homeless couple has been living for months outside a vacant, city-owned building in Upper Manhattan — ​with one cop “explicitly” blaming the problem on Mayor de Blasio, neighbors told...

Good Samaritan gets slashed trying to break up fight

A good Samaritan was slashed when he intervened in a scuffle on the Upper West Side on Thursday afternoon, cops said. A man first approached a dad he didn't know...

NYPD's park crackdown still has a few leaks

The NYPD cracked down Thursday on the drugged-out bums who took over a Greenwich Village playground, clearing the way for children to return — ­although one creep sneaked in and...

Cops finally take on Washington Square Park crackheads

Police beefed up patrols of Washington Square Park Friday after The Post revealed it’s become a hangout for ­aggressive junkies. A police van began driving around the area at 7...

Crackheads, bums and hookers rule Washington Square Park

Just three weeks before NYU’s newest class moves into the area, a group of junkies and crackheads has turned a leafy pathway in Washington Square Park into an open-air drug...

De Blasio still doesn't get NYC's homeless problem

Even after “owning” the homeless problem “110 percent,” Mayor Bill de Blasio doesn’t seem to get the need to enforce basic standards of public behavior. As The Post reports Friday,...

Four people killed overnight in NYC

Four people were killed in The Bronx and Brooklyn within a few hours overnight, including one woman in an apparent domestic dispute, police said Monday. The violence began just before...

Tourist bloodied in melee after calling desnuda a 'prostitute'

A Chilean tourist was bloodied during a fight with a Times Square desnuda and her handlers Wednesday after he tipped the woman a dollar for a photo and then called...

Horny homeless men use Times Square Wi-Fi to watch porn

The city spent years sweeping porn and peep shows from Times Square — and in just a matter of months, the de Blasio administration brought back the sleaze, The Post has...

De Blasio approves bills making it easier to pee and drink in the street

Mayor de Blasio signed off Monday on eight bills that make several quality-of-life crimes — including urinating, boozing and blasting music in public — civil rather than criminal offenses. The...

Dirty Elmo, desnudas get their own little slice of Times Square

The Crossroads of the World is getting a makeover. The city has started painting lines in Times Square to reign in the costumed characters, street hawkers, desnudas and other performers...

New York City is about to become a lot more disgusting

Scofflaws of New York, rejoice — the City Council has cleared the way for you to litter, loiter and pee in the street to your heart’s content. New legislation dubbed...

De Blasio's homeless motel is terrorizing The Bronx

Residents in the Riverdale section of The Bronx were outraged when they learned that Mayor Bill de Blasio had been housing homeless people in a local motel. They were even more...

NYC's putting bums and junkies up at this swanky boutique hotel

Dozens of homeless men are bunking in a new, boutique hotel in Brooklyn — despite Mayor de Blasio’s pledge to end the practice following a triple slaying in a Staten...

Shelter cuts could kick city's homeless to the curb

More homeless people will be sleeping on Big Apple streets this summer thanks to cuts to temporary shelters, advocates revealed Sunday. The funding reductions, which the US Department of Housing...

Hell’s Kitchen's homeless hoarder can't be stopped

Cops couldn’t stop homeless hoarder Sonia Gonzalez’s block-long trash train on Saturday. “If she has one cart, OK. A lot of people do that,” said Hell’s Kitchen resident Igor Rocklin....

Homeless hoarder's junk train is back with a vengeance

She won’t be derailed. The homeless hoarder whose block-long junk train of carts and suitcases was destroyed by city officials in March is rebuilding her caravan. Sonia Gonzalez is up...

City Council weakens bill against Times Square panhandlers

City Council members have watered down a bill to regulate the costumed characters besieging Times Square, in an effort to get it passed after languishing for 18 months. The latest...

De Blasio and the NYPD blame leap year for crime spike

Overall index crime has gone up — and it's all because of the leap year, NYPD officials and Mayor Bill de Blasio said Tuesday. “Overall index crime for the month...