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City offering to pay homeless a year's worth of rent if they leave town

The city wants the homeless to get out of town — and is offering to pay a full year’s rent to those willing to abandon the five boroughs. Under a...

De Blasio angers panhandlers after saying they do it for 'fun'

Mayor de Blasio claimed twice Wednesday that some people begging for money on the streets are doing it for “fun” — enraging panhandlers who say they have no choice. “With...

City's street homeless population surges to 12-year high

The number of people living in the streets skyrocketed by 39 percent to 3,892 this year — the highest number recorded since 2005, city officials said Wednesday. Last year, the...

De Blasio makes first remarks on subways since derailment

Mayor de Blasio didn't respond to the train derailment in Harlem, but he said Wednesday he feels the pain of straphangers who are suffering through erratic subway service almost every...

MTA warns subway riders after another stalled-train escape

Walking the subway tracks can kill you, MTA officials warned Saturday after reports of a second incident in which frustrated straphangers fled a train stalled in a tunnel short of...

Times Square panhandler arrests are down thanks to 'activity zones': cops

Order has been restored to Gotham. Cops say arrests of costumed characters in Times Square have plunged 82 percent since the city penned in Batman, Spider-Man, the Hulk and other...

Dead man found on subway is fourth public corpse in four days

It’s a Big Apple horror movie, with a bunch of sequels. The city’s public-corpse count rose to four in just four days on Friday morning — with cops discovering a...

Costumed panhandler arrested after photobombing tourist

A 15-year-old boy photobombed a tourist posing with a costumed character in Times Square — then demanded cash for his presence in the snapshot, police said Monday. Francis Beck, a...

Cops cart off homeless man's dumpster house -- then give it back

NYPD cops booted a homeless man from a box disguised as a dumpster in Soho — then apparently reconsidered all the bad press that the mayor might get and returned...

This homeless guy lives in a box disguised as a dumpster

Kitty-corner to the Chanel boutique at Spring and Wooster streets in Soho sits a vacant lot surrounded by a tall chain-link fence. Locked to the outside of the fence is...

Homeless 'Spitting Lady' had $19K on her when she was arrested

She’s filthy rich. The homeless woman who has been spitting on Upper East Side residents was carrying more than $19,133 in cash on her when she was arrested Thursday for...

Infamous 'Spitting Lady' finally arrested for spitting on kid

The Upper East Side’s infamous spitter has been busted for hocking a loogie on a child. Hilda Barrion – who is known as “The Spitting Lady of 77th Street” –...

Neighbors relieved as singing bum nowhere to be found

The singing bum who’s been driving Upper East Siders mad with his round-the-clock caterwauling was nowhere to be seen or heard on Monday — likely scared off by three NYPD...

'Spitting Lady' has no plans to stop hocking up loogies

The crazed crooner tormenting residents of an Upper East Side high-rise is just the latest example of how Mayor de Blasio has turned over the streets to unhinged vagrants. Another...

Homeless man's nonstop drunken singing is driving people crazy

Residents of an Upper East Side high-rise are being driven out of their minds — and apartments — by a homeless man who drunkenly sings at the top of his...

Voters fed up with de Blasio's handling of investigations

City voters are fed up with how Mayor de Blasio is handling a string of federal and state probes rocking his administration – including his plan to seek contributions to...

De Blasio's new homeless plan will barely cut shelter population

After struggling for three years to contain the growing crisis, Mayor de Blasio on Tuesday unveiled a wide-ranging plan to tackle record-high homelessness, but one that aims to reduce the...

De Blasio to call for 90 new homeless shelters

Mayor de Blasio will reportedly call for 90 homeless shelters to be built all around the city, as part of a plan expected to be announced Tuesday. In addition to...

Homeless man arrested for groping teen at subway station

A homeless man with a long rap sheet was arrested after he groped a 14-year-old girl at a Brooklyn subway station Monday, police sources said. The child was on her...

NYPD now in charge of security at city's homeless shelters

The NYPD is being handed oversight of the city’s homeless shelter system, officials announced Friday. The city’s homeless czar, Steven Banks, and top cops gathered at 1 Police Plaza to...